Since this discussion is continuing...
This all started because I posted a very simple question about whether or not it might be prudent for Sue to post one continuous thread about her book instead of having to open up my screen to see a brand new post each and every day, all leading back to her blog about her book, which felt VERY commercial to me. I asked, "Is it just me?" I was having a bad week, and it's certainly possible that it WAS just me.
A couple of people responded that they agreed with me.
That's all.
The end.
Sue could have chosen not to reply.
She could have replied, "Nope, I want to post every day."
Or she could have said, "Sure! That sounds like a great idea!"
People could have said, 'Yup, Annie, you're being unfair. Back down."
Instead, a few folks spoke up
And instead of a simple message BACK, I got a long tirade from Sue about her many accomplishments, and then a challenge asking me what I had done for the world!
I never implied she had done anything or nothing for the world. I had simply asked if it was just ME who thought her one post every day pushing her agenda was annoying as heck!?
To her tirade, I again answered quietly and politely and got bonked by you, Rebekah.
And since you are quoting Jesus, I'll also quote,
Matthew 6:
So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full."
In response to my refusal to engage in shouting out my accomplishments, you resorted to name calling. What was it you called me... "self-applauding introvert?" I had to laugh out loud... I've only one other time in my life been called an introvert! :roll: and that was because I refused to take off my clothes and dance naked at a party!
I agree we should play nice and keep the peace, but there have been hotter discussions than this one on this forum .
You can love Sue Kenney or hate her,
I'm on my own path, and choose what I read carefully.
Everyone on here walks for their own reason.
Everyone here has their own brand of spirituality... or none.
Maybe it's from growing up with a father who was an abusive salesman, but my hackles go up when someone tries to push their agenda down my throat, and I was beginning to feel pushed.
I went to Sue Kenney's website and listened to one of her interviews. She seemed nice, and sweet, and all the love and light adjectives she's been described as... I'm sure she's an angel...
Someone asked if I thought it was wrong to make money on the Camino... nope... not at all.
Lots of folks do it. Heck, I've thought of doing lightweight needle felted shells and selling them on my Etsy website.
But the bottom line (for me) is if everyone who has written a book or had an idea on how to make money on the Camino got on this forum and posted one new post every single day leading back to their financial enterprise under the guise of giving a gift, it would certainly clog up the works, wouldn't it? Lots of people write books to "help people" and they're not everyone's cup of tea.
Now, I've posted, deleted, posted, deleted, posted, and deleted on this thread at least 20 times and I think I've deleted anything that might be unkind or mean, and still said what I wanted to say.
So, Sue Kenney, I apologize if I hurt your feelings.
It was never my intention.
I was asking a question, letting you know my comfort level was being breached.
Nothing more, nothing less.
In response, I was attacked and as a result, learned much more about you.
Rebekah, please don't call me names.
It's not nice! :lol: