"The Chapter of this Holy Apostolic Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago, custodian of the Seal of Saint James' Altar, to all faithful and pilgrims who come from everywhere over the world as an act of devotion, under vow or promise to the Apostle's Tomb, our Patron and Protector of Spain, witnesses in the sight of all who read this document, that:
has visited devoutly this Sacred Church in a religious sense (pietatis causa).
Witness where of I hand this document over to him/her, authenticated by the seal of this Sacred Church.
Given in Santiago de Compostela on the (day)................
(Signed) Chapter Secretary"
In order that the Chapter of this Holy, Apostolic, and Metropolitan Church of Compostela, guardian of the seal of the Altar of St. James, might provide all those Faithful and Pilgrims who come from the whole world to the threshold of our Apostle, Patron and Protector of Spain, whether out of special devotion or in fulfilment of a vow, with an authentic record of their visit, I make known to all those who will see the present document that
has visited this most holy Church with piety and devotion.
In confirmation of which I confer upon him/her the present certificate, authenticated by the seal of that same Holy Church.
Given at Compostela, on
the .... day
of the month....
in the year of the Lord......
Secretary of the Chapter
The Chapter of this Holy Apostolic Metropolitan Cathedral of Santiago,
guardian of the seal of the Altar of Saint James the Apostle, for all the pilgrims who arrive from any part of the Earth with an attitude of devotion or to fulfil a vow or promise to the Tomb of the Apostle, our patron and protector of Spain, witnesses before all those that read this document that
has visited very devoutly this Sacred Church in a religious sense (pietatis causa)"
In confirmation of which I confer this certificate upon him/her, authenticated by the seal of that same Sacred Church.
Given at Compostela, on the
day ………………………….
month ……………..……….
Anno Domini …………….
Chapter Secretary