I have always been fascinated by the Cathars. Les Bonne hommes or bonshommes, although it translates as 'the good men' actually meant 'the Good Christians' in that context at the time. The Cathars were (then) a modern version of Manachaeism, the constant thorn in the side of Catholic Christianity, which still exists today in a number of forms.
They were reincarnationist and their foundation belief was that there were two Gods - the lesser evil god of the Old Testament, who created the world and trapped spirits of light within matter (us) and the True Good God, the one Jesus prayed to. That when Jesus spoke of 'the prince of this world' he was referring to the lesser Jehovah god. They read only John in the New Testament and there were two levels of being Cathars - the lower level where one believed in what was taught but lived an 'in the world' normal life, and the higher level, les BonneHommes, les Parfaits - the perfect ones - equivalent to priests - who were vegetarian and were supposed to renounce all sensual desires in this world, though still moving within it, so that when their bodies died they would not be reincarnated again into base matter but their spirit of light, their fragment of angel, would return to the Godhead, the One.
Some years before the military attacks, the genocide, there were a series of trials for heresy of the villagers of Montaillou, up in the Pyrennees, and in one of those extraordinary quirks of history all the records of those trials survived. If you can find a copy of Montaillou by Emmanuel le Roy Ladurie you can read the actual words of Cathars - though they didn't name themselves Cathars of course. Absolutely fascinating look into medieval life ... of interest? instead of saying "we had sex" they would say "we mingled our bodies", which I rather like. Their sense of gender equality doesn't equate to our modern conception but both genders were free to work and change jobs, to freely choose lovers and marry whom they wished (as long as they weren't aristocrats of course!), to work for themselves and own businesses and so on.
There was a common belief amongst some people in the 60's, in the UK, that the Cathars had been reincarnating since the late 40's and were finding each other. Because I had an attachment to Portchester castle at that time and had a particular experience there some of them thought that I was one of them too. Who knows.
I would quite like to do that Camino I think.