I would prefer that someone who is ignorant on some issue or subject (NOT stupid, just uniformed or not knowledgeable) ask us. Yes, it would be nice to have a formal FAQ section where the most valuable posts could be placed and organized to provide the best information ONCE.
However, until that is accomplished, we need to channel our helpful pilgrim selves and simply answer the question for the n'th time... at least IMHO...
Personally, I would like to see a FAQ tab with sub-tabs according to subject area. The subject area is based on keywords. So 'rucksack' or 'hiking pole' would be under 'rucksack' or 'hiking pole', not in the catch all 'equipment.'
I do not know how to do it, but I guess I am suggesting a searchable, standardized and alphabetized index. Presently, one must use keywords to find something. But the results are still word searches, and the results are typically all over the place. I find it tedious to wade through results to drill down to find exactly what I am looking for.
This is NOT a criticism of Ivar. I consider it more of a helpful suggestion.
One way to get there might be to FORCE a user making a new post to identify the specific and standard index location(s) where the post is to referenced, NOT merely the key words.
I propose this as a mandatory step. If you fail to do it, your post will not take.
This would help in the identification and sorting phase. Ivar might even be able to automate the process.
Also, within the index location, posts would be organized with the most recent FIRST, and in declining date order. I suggest this as subsequent posts on an issue frequently gain in relative value and useful content.
Hope this helps.