I find this all a bit weird - I'm still deciding whether to walk or bike and from where for the first one. Going on this philosophy on not packing for one's fears - it sounds like that if one biked - one wouldn't take a bike pump or a spare tube etc. because one was packing for one's fears -- hmmmm, is about all I can think of
atm, I'm thinking of leaving from Auxerre - which makes it about 1500 km (roughly) - and, I'm thinking about just heading off on my bike or with a little pack with a credit card and a bottle of water - well, gosh, that is different
- today - I walked again to some Roman ruins in Spit, Croatia - last time - last week, I went there and it was quite warm and sweaty - today - someone had arranged snow on the tippy tops of the mountains and I had a coat on for half of the journey - thank god I had my beanie - pandering to packing for my fears
gees, I don't know - I'm listening, but, so are my fears - we prefer to call them contingencies