I should have mentioned that I finished my Camino in May, and had used my own sleeping bag and liner every night in preference to using blankets. Many pilgrims seemed to pay scant heed to what I had considered sound hygiene practice, and didn't bother with a liner or sheet when using the albergue blankets. Only in Galicia did the albergues that I used provide disposable sheets and pillowslips that addressed this.
When I walked, there was only one place where there were anything close to 100 other pilgrims present in the dormitory, and that was at Najera. After that experience, I was happy to forego the prospect that there might have been some benefit from the close proximity of so many others, and avoided larger albergues where I could.
In any case, Najera appears to be unusual in only having the one large dormitory, and in most other places, the dormitory rooms were much smaller even where the albergue itself might have been accommodating more pilgrims.
I wouldn't change my recommendation, but clearly I was walking earlier in the year than you intend to, and my experience less relevant than others who have walked later in the year.