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Sick in Pamplona

Charles Ross

Time of past OR future Camino
Two people to walk the Camino de Santiago in the spring of (2018)
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
So sorry that you are sick! I had a horrible cold walking from Santiago to Finisterre on my first Camino, soI know how miserable it is to be walking when you are unwell.
I switched to staying in only private rooms when I was sick - I couldn't imagine subjecting others to my coughing and germs.
I hope that you recover soon.
Wishing you both a speedy recovery. 🤗
I wouldn't bank on being able to 'ramp up the distance' each day though. Even if you are strong people, respiratory illnesses take a toll.
As someone prone to chest infections (usually related to TCS...Tin Can Syndrome..lurgies caught on the long haul flight 🤒) & therefore very familiar with the effect they have on your body, IMHO, easing off the throttle, at least those first few days back on the trail, sounds more realistic for your overall well-being.
Love the enthusiasm but don't underestimate the impact of the illness & be prepared to adapt accordingly!
Good luck & keep us posted!
👣 🌏
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Two Covid tests, both negative.
I don’t know what kind of tests these were, but I know several people in my town who tested negative several times with home tests, but had lots of symptoms. When they took a PCR test, lo and behold, they tested positive. I’m not sure if it was the time delay or the antigen vs. PCR feature, but in any event, you might consider more testing.

Wishing you a very quick and complete recovery, buen camino!
Much good advice here. Thank you all. We did sleep communal the first night. We just did not fully appreciate what we were going through. Private room since. We still have 43 days before we fly home so when we resume we will start slowly.
Yes we considered that the test was a false negative, but we each had the test and the redundancy suggested to me that we are Covid free.
Sometimes when you are on an adventure, it’s not always pleasant, like, if you wanted to have an “adventure” by doing your first parachute jump and your chute doesn’t quite open. It’s still an adventure, right?
Maybe not the best analogy 😬😀.
I’m surprised they put you together in Roncesvalles. Did they put 4 pilgrims in each cubicle?
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I’m surprised they put you together in Roncesvalles. Did they put 4 pilgrims in each cubicle?
Yes, but it was the person just on the other side of the wall. , different cubicle who had the cough. We don’t know. Maybe we didn’t catch it there at all. I know people walking the Napoleon route are perhaps not making the best decisions when they reach Roncelvalles. Probably the thought process is pretty much ‘cold, tired, bed, sleep’
I don’t know what kind of tests these were, but I know several people in my town who tested negative several times with home tests, but had lots of symptoms. When they took a PCR test, lo and behold, they tested positive. I’m not sure if it was the time delay or the antigen vs. PCR feature, but in any event, you might consider more testing.

Wishing you a very quick and complete recovery, buen camino!
Very true. When my older daughter got covid she showed symptoms but tested negative the first time and a day later tested positive.
It seems like every Camino trip we've both developed bad colds. Probably less hand washing and exposure to lots of people in new environments. This year it will be more worrisome with the spector of Covid.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
Agree entirely on testing - I know several people who have been quite ill but tested negative using an LFT test, then a couple of days later, when they were feeling slightly less ill, they tested positive quite spectacularly, in that the second line appeared immediately.
If you do have covid, then the tiredness takes quite some time to go. My daughter caught it mid March, is a really keen walker usually, thinks nothing of walking over 30 km and yet she was still badly affected. Yesterday was the first time that she managed to walk 12km. And she's exhausted today.
And for all those thinking that being triple jabbed will protect you, think again. I know loads of people who have caught it and some who have caught it twice this year.
I recommend you get to the first available pharmacy and relate your symptoms to them. Most all pharmacists in Spain speak at least a little English. In Spain, pharmacists function almost like a physician's assistant.

They can advise, recommend products that will help your symptoms, and arrange for COVID and other testing. If you are well and truly sick, they can hook you up with a doctor, or the local Centro de Salud (Health Center - Clinic).

In 2013, I contracted walking pneumonia - serious bronchitis by the time I walked from SJPdP to Pamplona. Staying in the Larrasoana municipal albergue really made it worsen. By the time I got to Pamplona I was running a fever and hacking up very colorful phlegm.

In Pamplona, a very nice pharmacist sorted me out, provided cough syrup and an antibiotic and advised me to take a hotel to sweat the fever out overnight. He walked me part of the way to the local Tourist Information office too. I got a room - with heat that I controlled. I slept in my sleeping bag, under all the bed covers, in a private room with the heat turned up.

The next morning I was much better and able to continue.

The moral of the story is to take care of yourself. Do not cut corners. Take a down day if you must to recover. You can always leap frog later, or use a taxi to cover an artificially long day mad necessary by changing your plans. It is NOT a sin and only a negative thing if done in the last 100 km into Santiago.

Hope this helps.

...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
Thanks again to all who added their thoughts. As I said above, we both took the quick, 10 minute antigen test at a pharmacy; tested negative. I’m reading, though, that the overnight molecular test IS somewhat (?) more accurate.
When we got the results we reasoned that we were sick beginning on different days and because both results were negative it was a pretty good double test of our conditions. If one of our results was positive, we would have assumed we were both infected.
Where do we stand now? Symptoms diminishing slowly, sore throat, me none, my Karen a little bit, less shaky, less dizziness. We will go slow if we start tomorrow, going only to San Andreas Albergue 2-3 miles I think. I’ll make sure they have something private. Rain starting tomorrow maybe. We have a lot of money resources at this point in life so don’t feel too sorry for us😢
I can’t get past the fact that the last time we both felt this bad was about 3-4 days west of Leon in 2018; same symptoms!
Thanks again. We have friends at home to whom we have written about our travails and they basically write ‘bummer’ in response! Maybe we need new friends 🙄🙄.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
So sorry that you're dealing with this illness! I do echo all others who have recommended getting a PCR test before moving further along the camino and possibly infecting others (pilgrims, local people, staff in accommodations) with covid or the (possible) horrible flu you're dealing with. Wishing you continuing speedy recovery so you can continue the camino safely!
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
sorry to hear that make sure you seek medical help.
I’m surprised they put you together in Roncesvalles. Did they put 4 pilgrims in each cubicle?
Yes, we are now allowed to use the full capacity of the albergue, which means indeed 4 persons in one cubicle. Next Wednesday it is no longer mandatory to wear mouthmasks. These are all rules by the Gouvernment, we just follow the rules.
Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
Much good advice here. Thank you all. We did sleep communal the first night. We just did not fully appreciate what we were going through. Private room since. We still have 43 days before we fly home so when we resume we will start slowly.
Yes we considered that the test was a false negative, but we each had the test and the redundancy suggested to me that we are Covid free.
Sometimes when you are on an adventure, it’s not always pleasant, like, if you wanted to have an “adventure” by doing your first parachute jump and your chute doesn’t quite open. It’s still an adventure, right?
Maybe not the best analogy 😬😀.
I am sorry for your experience but I love and envy your attitude. Peaceful rest for now, buen Camino in your near future.
I hope reading this gives pause to those who might be vulnerable, and really do not have time to quarantine, to wear masks indoors, after the requirement is ended. Eat outdoors as much as possible, and try not to stay in albergues without additional spacing.

If one gets Omicron, after quarantine, based upon others reactions, it is highly unlikely one will just continue as one normally would.

My suggestion is be more proactive. If you can’t afford a private room, perhaps you can meet up with the same person each night (not necessarily walk with them all day) and share a twin room. Maybe some can camp?
Very true. When my older daughter got covid she showed symptoms but tested negative the first time and a day later tested positive.
I, and my staff, test people all the time. This is VERY common! It is also very common to test positive with just ONE symptom. If fact - happened to me! I had both my Vaccine doses plus a booster. Omicron hit. One day - I had a mild sore throat. Tested. Negative. Tested again the following day. Positive. Didn't get other symptoms for another day or two. I saw this much moreso with Omicron than earlier variants. This is why I always tell people to test - even with 1 symptom - and if negative and still symptomatic - test again the following day. Even still - some people only test positive with a PCR test. Especially with rapid tests - false negatives can and do occur. Anyhow - sharing dorm rooms is fine, when healthy. But if anyone has any symptoms (of anything contagious - not just COVID) - should move to a private room and take a COVID test.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I, and my staff, test people all the time. This is VERY common! It is also very common to test positive with just ONE symptom. If fact - happened to me! I had both my Vaccine doses plus a booster. Omicron hit. One day - I had a mild sore throat. Tested. Negative. Tested again the following day. Positive. Didn't get other symptoms for another day or two. I saw this much moreso with Omicron than earlier variants. This is why I always tell people to test - even with 1 symptom - and if negative and still symptomatic - test again the following day. Even still - some people only test positive with a PCR test. Especially with rapid tests - false negatives can and do occur. Anyhow - sharing dorm rooms is fine, when healthy. But if anyone has any symptoms (of anything contagious - not just COVID) - should move to a private room and take a COVID test.

Or in my case two weeks ago when I was convinced that finally Covid hit me and GP tested. Negative on Covid but positive for Influenza. So relieved they did test for Influenza too.
Then I ended at ER because of complication of Influenza ( yup a simple flu can become funky ) and then of course I got tested again for Covid before I got a bed on a ward.
Again negative luckily but glad they were so thorough.
Home again now.
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Or in my case to weeks ago when I was convinced that finally Covid hit me and GP tested. Negative on Covid but positive for Influenza. So relieved they did test for Influenza too.
Then I ended at ER because of complication of Influenza ( yup a simple flu can become funky ) and then of course I got tested again for Covid before I got a bed on a ward.
Again negative luckily but glad they were so thourough.
Home again now.
YES! And if you had a sore throat - I would hope they test for COVID, Influenza, and Strep! Now that masks are less prevalent - all the other usual offenders are surging again.

I don't care what the contagious illness is... not cool to stay in a dorm and pass it on! Misery may like company - but most of us prefer to stay healthy.

Sorry you got so sick, but glad you are better now!
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
That is such a bummer! So sorry! I’m on day 11 of a bad cold but I don’t leave for my Camino for a month. I took two home tests that were negative. Doctor gave me another test and it was negative too. Just a really bad cold/cough!
A selection of Camino Jewellery
That is such a bummer! So sorry! I’m on day 11 of a bad cold but I don’t leave for my Camino for a month. I took two home tests that were negative. Doctor gave me another test and it was negative too. Just a really bad cold/cough!
Or in my case to weeks ago when I was convinced that finally Covid hit me and GP tested. Negative on Covid but positive for Influenza. So relieved they did test for Influenza too.
Then I ended at ER because of complication of Influenza ( yup a simple flu can become funky ) and then of course I got tested again for Covid before I got a bed on a ward.
Again negative luckily but glad they were so thourough.
Home again now.
Hope you both are getting better!
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
After exposure to covid, test turn positive between 3-7 days, but 5 is ysually the magic number. If your at home tests are meg on day 5, but you still have a lot of symptom, consider getting a PCR test (you can go online, to pharmacies, or ask locals where PCR testing can be done). Internal Medicine hospital doctor.
Sorry you've picked up a nasty bug. Yup the lesson of Covid..... don't share your bugs with others! Glad it's not covid but lots of nasty bugs and viruses, some that our bodies are not familiar with and we sure do pick them up when we travel. Hope you gain your health and momentum soon.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
Sorry you are not feeling well, but may I suggest that after a few days rest you do not ramp up the distance but have a few days of walking less and resting more to allow what is ailing you to clear your system, pushing yourself may put you on your back again. Hope all goes well. This advice comes from a person who pushed themself and end up 8 days n hospital...
My son and family live in southern France. The whole family had Type A flu, tested negative for Covid, the first two weeks of April. It was spreading through the entire village, and probably via school kids. Could be the flu is in Spain too.
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
You may want to go to the pharmacy and see if they will give you something. The same thing happened to me in St. Jean. A fellow pilgrim was coughing his head off. I got very sick and went to a pharmacy. They gave me some kind of powdered med I was instructed to put in water and drink. Got 3 or 4 packets. It worked! Never found put what it was and I did not care!
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
My son and family live in southern France. The whole family had Type A flu, tested negative for Covid, the first two weeks of April. It was spreading through the entire village, and probably via school kids. Could be the flu is in Spain too.
Indeed, in numerous European countries including Spain there is currently a noticeable increase of flu cases, so being in close contact and mixing with pilgrims from Spain as well as from these countries is on opportunity to catch this or another ARI. Countries have a flu sentinel surveillance system and I have just checked Spain's website (tab Informes Semanales) for the current week 14/2022 which confirms this increase. I merely mention this for info because the winter months are already behind us and we are in the middle of April where we usually don't expect this.

Of course, we here on the forum cannot make a long-distance diagnosis; that's up to doctors and tests.

Hopefully, nobody jumps on this comment as yet another opportunity to editorialize and opinionize about Covid-19 related public health measures which has already led to the closure of two current threads that were meant to provide information about current conditions and experiences of pilgrims in Spain.
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If you were exposed to something in Roncesvalles and you're in Pamplona 2 days later it's unlikely you'd have symptoms yet. Whatever you have you probably picked it up at least a week ago.
If you were exposed to something in Roncesvalles and you're in Pamplona 2 days later it's unlikely you'd have symptoms yet. Whatever you have you probably picked it up at least a week ago.
That's not necessarily true.

Edit: The incubation period for Covid is as little as 2 days

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Ideal pocket guides for during & after your Camino. Each weighs only 1.4 oz (40g)!
I’m so sorry to hear you are sick. You may want to do another antigen test because the timing for those can be very precise. I’ve also read that the new Covid variants may not be detected with the current antigen tests so the best you can do is practice social distancing, etc. It’s possible you may have picked up something in the plane too, but there is no way to know for sure. Sending healing vibes to both of you!

Buen Camino!
An Update. We are awaiting the results of a PCR test; still In Pamplona and feeling better and Better.
I did have a scary experience yesterday. Long coughing fit, small sip of water, and my airways had tightened up so much I could not swallow it for several seconds. Never had that happen.
If you want a good, higher end place to overnight here in Pamplona, the Catedral Hotel is great!! It’s right around the corner from Jesu e Maria municipal. We came by at 8:00 AM with reservation a couple of days ago, seeking to store packs for a 2:00 check-in . . . They took one look at us and said ‘here’s your key’. Who does that?
It’s about 75 E a night during the week.
When we get our results, PCR, I’ll post them and then, we at least, will be done with this subject.
An Update. We are awaiting the results of a PCR test; still In Pamplona and feeling better and Better.
I did have a scary experience yesterday. Long coughing fit, small sip of water, and my airways had tightened up so much I could not swallow it for several seconds. Never had that happen.
If you want a good, higher end place to overnight here in Pamplona, the Catedral Hotel is great!! It’s right around the corner from Jesu e Maria municipal. We came by at 8:00 AM with reservation a couple of days ago, seeking to store packs for a 2:00 check-in . . . They took one look at us and said ‘here’s your key’. Who does that?
It’s about 75 E a night during the week.
When we get our results, PCR, I’ll post them and then, we at least, will be done with this subject.
It’s a negative PCR report!! Tomorrow we are just going to walk the three miles from here to Cizur Menur, overnight there, and then get back to normal distance (for us about 16-17 Km. Thank you All for your kind words! C n K.
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
It’s a negative PCR report!! Tomorrow we are just going to walk the three miles from here to Cizur Menur, overnight there, and then get back to normal distance (for us about 16-17 Km. Thank you All for your kind words! C n K.
Great news. I am sure you have peace of mind after the PCR test. Stay away from communal sleeping if there is not sufficient distancing and airflow. Buen Camino. Stay healthy!
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It’s a negative PCR report!! Tomorrow we are just going to walk the three miles from here to Cizur Menur, overnight there, and then get back to normal distance (for us about 16-17 Km. Thank you All for your kind words! C n K.
That's great news for you both! Just a word of caution about Cizur Menor - maybe call ahead to where you want to stay, as recent reports have indicated the albergues there have been closed. I think one of them is now open but best to check. But not sure there are private rooms there if you are still wanting those. If nothing is available there, you could walk across to Zizur Maior, just over the highway, there are hotels there. It's about another 1km walk. Buen Camino!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Thank goodness for your negative results! It’s funny how we forget the common cold and flu are still out there. Sending you healing vibes and best wishes for a quick recovery!

Buen Camino!
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
That's great news for you both! Just a word of caution about Cizur Menor - maybe call ahead to where you want to stay, as recent reports have indicated the albergues there have been closed. I think one of them is now open but best to check. But not sure there are private rooms there if you are still wanting those. If nothing is available there, you could walk across to Zizur Maior, just over the highway, there are hotels there. It's about another 1km walk. Buen Camino!
A good report from you. We indeed did walk through Cizur Menor and, yes, the two Albergues there are closed. We walked about 15 minutes to the Hotel Vas Cizur. Met a few disappointed walkers and cyclists. Tomorrow we have a route that triangles back over to the Camino just below Zariquiguei from their onto Uterga.
I wish the info provided in SJPDP, including a complete list of Albergues, was a bit more current. Thanks again
Thanks again to all who added their thoughts. As I said above, we both took the quick, 10 minute antigen test at a pharmacy; tested negative. I’m reading, though, that the overnight molecular test IS somewhat (?) more accurate.
When we got the results we reasoned that we were sick beginning on different days and because both results were negative it was a pretty good double test of our conditions. If one of our results was positive, we would have assumed we were both infected.
Where do we stand now? Symptoms diminishing slowly, sore throat, me none, my Karen a little bit, less shaky, less dizziness. We will go slow if we start tomorrow, going only to San Andreas Albergue 2-3 miles I think. I’ll make sure they have something private. Rain starting tomorrow maybe. We have a lot of money resources at this point in life so don’t feel too sorry for us😢
I can’t get past the fact that the last time we both felt this bad was about 3-4 days west of Leon in 2018; same symptoms!
Thanks again. We have friends at home to whom we have written about our travails and they basically write ‘bummer’ in response! Maybe we need new friends 🙄🙄.
Late to the party, and I see you're picking up strength. Good! Here was my post anyway, and maybe it will help someone.

I've been ill on two trips to Spain. First in Zubiri, trapped in a room with several French woman who never open windows. Coughing, sniffling. Then I was in Pamplona for four days recovering. 2015.

In 2016 or so, I got horribly ill again on Camino, and this site was a tremendous source of assistance. Getting sick with a partner is no fun at all. Getting sick alone can be frightening.

Take it slow. Respiratory illnesses will punish you brutally if you exert too much energy. There is NO need to try to "make up" time by picking up pace later, either. Just walk a little bit each day, and eat well. Rest a lot. We all have this magical fantasy that we can always recover. Not if you push it. My dad killed himself too early going on a trip right after the flu. Easy does it.

I am not a doctor, but the two times I had respiratory illness in Spain, the pharmacists recommended Fluimicil.

Best of luck. And definitely stay in a room alone. No communal sleeping.
We are in Pamplona and we are sick!!! Not sick of carrying a backpack but so sick that we cannot walk any distance with that pack
Respiratory, lots of coughing, very sore throat, weakness, dizziness. Two Covid tests, both negative. I think we acquired the illness, bacterial or viral, in Roncelvalles. I had the top bunk and the gentleman next to me had that same deep cough. The last time I was this sick was, probably not coincidence, my 2018 Camino. I’m a big, strong person and now both of us have been reduced to little pussy CC cats🐱🐱. Going forward we will be in Pamplona for 2 more days and then ramp up the distance traveled each day.
It may be advisable to wear a mask at night when in a room with someone exhibiting symptoms of anything.
It is glorious out here and we can’t wait for the walk up to Alto del Perdon! Buen Camino.
Go to the hospital there. I got vertigo in Pamplona and went to the ER and they took me right in, gave me a head to toe once over, wrote a prescription and went to the pharmacy right around the corner, [aid the one Euro for the pills and was good to!
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Go to the hospital there. I got vertigo in Pamplona and went to the ER and they took me right in, gave me a head to toe once over, wrote a prescription and went to the pharmacy right around the corner, [aid the one Euro for the pills and was good to!
Upthread @Charles Ross reported that they have received medical attention and are on the mend.
Wishing you both a speedy recovery. 🤗
I wouldn't bank on being able to 'ramp up the distance' each day though. Even if you are strong people, respiratory illnesses take a toll.
As someone prone to chest infections (usually related to TCS...Tin Can Syndrome..lurgies caught on the long haul flight 🤒) & therefore very familiar with the effect they have on your body, IMHO, easing off the throttle, at least those first few days back on the trail, sounds more realistic for your overall well-being.
Love the enthusiasm but don't underestimate the impact of the illness & be prepared to adapt accordingly!
Good luck & keep us posted!
👣 🌏
It’s a negative PCR report!! Tomorrow we are just going to walk the three miles from here to Cizur Menur, overnight there, and then get back to normal distance (for us about 16-17 Km. Thank you All for your kind words! C n K.
How are you doing? As you can see, many are willing you to walk well...
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.

I’m surprised they put you together in Roncesvalles. Did they put 4 pilgrims in each cubicle?
It was full on our floor last week... but I have to say that even last September they had more than 2 in a cubicle. We questioned it and said we (two) pilgrims should be alone because of the 50% rule but they insisted it was OK for another to join us.

It was also difficult to keep windows open as so many people were walking with no sleeping bag.
That is such a bummer! So sorry! I’m on day 11 of a bad cold but I don’t leave for my Camino for a month. I took two home tests that were negative. Doctor gave me another test and it was negative too. Just a really bad cold/cough!
I recently had covid. It started as a normal sore throat. I tested negative on on day 2 and day 4. I got very unwell on day 5 but by day 7 was a lot better. As I was due back at work the following day I took another test, which turned out to be positive. I’ve since spoken to a number of people who reported testing negative while feeling ill and positive when they felt better.
I recently had covid. It started as a normal sore throat. I tested negative on on day 2 and day 4. I got very unwell on day 5 but by day 7 was a lot better. As I was due back at work the following day I took another test, which turned out to be positive. I’ve since spoken to a number of people who reported testing negative while feeling ill and positive when they felt better.
Oh wow! I had three tests…all negative. I’m finally better after 2+weeks. Maybe I did have it!
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