Sometimes we both write what we believe is clear and straight forward and then...Bam...our minds go in directions we hadn't considered. Your...informative...
find on sellos is a good example.
I went to the site, zoomed it as large as possible (too vain to wear my glasses) and mentally went thru them nodding, exclaiming and wondering about the history behind their design. Then I come to the sello for SJPP and, it appears there's a "strike" line thru it. Again, some of us are programmed to view the world differently. The programming begins in the womb and continues as we mature in our experiences.
My thought was this: If, I wanted to make some money, could I create/duplicate the sello and, inconjunction with say...a tour package, gain guaranteed rooms at the albergues and a Compostela? As with any venture, there has to be a market and who would that be?
Well Sil, you've already pictured painted ladies along the Way, how about: college-aged kids who take Mom and Dad's money, a husband or wife on "pilgrimage"but with someone else, there are FAKE war heros, why not FAKE peregrinos, the list is endless.
So Sil, I did some research and who should jump right to the top of resources, but you Sil.
In this very forum on 29Nov07, Sil wrote: Disagreeable and nerve-racking confrontations between hospitaleros and fake-pilgrims and their “leaders” have been alarming, and the array of fake “credentials” is mind-boggling.
Then, I started to consider all the various methods of authentication that exist which could "possibly" guarantee the sello is valid. Good thought Arn...too costly Arn. Yes, this may help exclude the fake pilgrim from a room for the night. And, yes there may be another bed available for a real pilgrim, but. And here's the biggie.
Doesn't it all come down to the individual themselves. If they're willing to FAKE their Camino, what else in their sorry life is also a fake. Where else have they cheated, just in order to look good or gain an unfair advantage? Epiphany!
We often write of how the Camino can become a changing force in our life. Consider this, if while on this FAKE Camino a person(s) comes to the realization that what they are seeing and experiencing along with the real peregrinos is more than the lie they're taking home, maybe, just maybe they'll get off that bus. Who knows, they may even come back and do what's right!
Buen Camino.