Oh dear. Rafferty, dear brother, it is like this, - this species has been around for a long time and the stories that explain the riddle of existence have altered over the years on the outside. But you mistake the clothes for the man ... over the millenia people have worn different clothes, but the person underneath remains unchanged. Over the millenia religious descriptions have altered but the truth underneath remains the same.
Rafferty, look, I don't usually do this online but - a moment; with open and uncritical and childlike heart consider this; The 'boy who cried wolf' story is old and it crosses all nations - they all have a version. It is told to children to impart a necessary truth, that you must only call for help desperately when you need help desperately. It is not to do with wolves, or sheep, or shepherd boys, it is a story told as truth which imparts a deeper truth. Now, if you told children, before reciting the story, that it was 'made up' but they had to listen to it, it would have no effect at all. The effect is made internally by their acceptance of the truth of the story. So, necessarily the outlines of a story will change as societies and fashions change - but the internal truth remains the same. But you, and people like you (Pharisees and Scribes come to mind), hear the story and want to know "what sort of wolf was it?" "Weren't the parents prosecuted?" "I won't believe until I see the boys grave and disinter it and see the teeth marks on the bones" and so on. But this way of looking at things, although it is great for producing academic journals and impressing the innocent in bars over a good claret, misses the inner message of the story completely.
Now, Raffery, we appear to exist on this blue-white pearl, in a dark void - for no apparent reason. It is a riddle and the bottom line question that all humans ask is "what is going on and why am I here?" (alright, two questions) ... true religions answer this. My religion, Christianity, is a boat that you can enter and it will take you across that river of unknowing to a place where you know, and then you are free. You are not compelled, you are not coerced, you are not asked to give up your mental abilities, it is not brainwashing - it is a method (and rather a good one) of stepping away from this real and serious and solid way of looking at things and becoming part of something much bigger and better - (you have to trust me on that bit), you are only asked to surrender, to give up all that "oh, but in 1384 a pilgrim wore this there" and so on, or "there is no way he could have walked on water", or "I won't believe it unless I can see it.". "Well, yes, I do believe in Australia though I've never been there .. errrmmm" Really.
In the Christian gospels 'educated' people are asking him (Jesu) questions all the time, setting up tricky questions that they think he cannot answer .. and, all those 'wise' people, they are all fools. To understand what it is to be truly human you have to let go, you have to trust, you have to 'Be'. Saint Augustine, that flawed but holy man, wrote once that "unless you believe you will not understand". He meant - to try to understand first and then you will believe is faulty. It is the other way round.
Rafferty, it is like this. Modern 'intelligent and rational' thought believes that matter came into existence and eventually somehow became so complicated that it produced life. But here is the truth, the true secret Raffery - Matter is produced from Life. The way that logicians and 'sensible' people see reality is completely the mirror image of what it actually is - Matter is produced from Life.
What has this to do with the pilgrim route and scallop shells? Patience.
We have to surrender into the arms of the truth to become fully human, in Christianity this is called 'accepting Jesu in your life', in Islam 'surrendering to the Will of God', to Hindus, 'accepting the Dharma' - and it is all the same .. that we are in process, we are becoming full, good, compassionate, and we will go through all without bitterness to achieve that.
So, the question of the shell is not to do with some fabricated history of reality but the true reality of 'now', and is to do with getting the shell, pinning it on that clean and virgin pack, stepping out of the door and with all the excuses "no I just want a long walk", "no, I just want to see if I can do it", no, I'm not religious at all, but I am spiritual" - as if there is a difference! all those excuses drifting away like steam on a summer day, to step out - to take the next step.
Rafferty, God calls. If you have chosen to not hear that, well ... ok, but please, let us not go on tooooooo much about the history of this or that and miss the point about this pilgrimage, and all pilgrimages (including the one we call 'our life') that 'God Calls'.
God calls you all, to travel and to experience, and to find. Do not mistake the religion for the truth. There is only One God. And that God calls. Be proud - wear the shell.