As the more popular routes, become even more popular, I'm curious to understand the impact that we 'repeat offenders' are having. We are surely part, potentially a large part, of the congestion problem on some routes and times of year?
Have we run any polls on this, to see what proportion of Pilgrims walk more than one Camino?
Of course this community is not really representative.
If we ran a poll, would it tell us much?
And then we have the problem of determining what a Camino is, to count.
Probably any Camino greater than 100 kms hat ends in Santiago?
Then that got me thinking about 'days' on Camino. Which is perhaps a better indication of how much time, or bed nights, we spend on the path. Perhaps more relevant that distance?
Polls as we know can attract some heavy 'feedback' as they are really quite hard to structure in any meaningful way, and to ensure that they cater for all potential responses.
I suppose the question in my mind, is quite simply, "Of the Pilgrims arriving in Santiago, how many have walked more than 1 Camino".
But then of course those not ending in Santiago are also taking up 'bed/nights' along the way
Maybe there are some stats out there somewhere?
PS. If I think back to those I met when last on Camino, only 1 on the VdlP was a Newbie. None on the Invierno. Lots on the Fisterra/Muxia, and maybe 70% + on the Frances?