I've walked this stretch twice and don't remember seeing this apparently nice little detour along the River Tomeza, five or six kilometres before getting into Pontevedra.
2.5 kms later reach the outskirts of Pontevedra at the Capela de
Santa Marta, Tomeza on your Right. 2.5 kms (173.5/240.5 kms)
Follow waymarks along a straight road passing a play area on your Right
with three modern sculptures: a hórreo, a scallop shell with the cross of
Santiago and a figure representing Christ, Santiago and Our Lady the
Pilgrim. [Pilgrims report there is an alternative here to avoid some road
walking. At the red sign to your Left, before the play area, turn Left and
walk along the river. It emerges just beyond the roundabout and bridge
mentioned in the next paragraph]
Has anyone else walked this?
2.5 kms later reach the outskirts of Pontevedra at the Capela de
Santa Marta, Tomeza on your Right. 2.5 kms (173.5/240.5 kms)
Follow waymarks along a straight road passing a play area on your Right
with three modern sculptures: a hórreo, a scallop shell with the cross of
Santiago and a figure representing Christ, Santiago and Our Lady the
Pilgrim. [Pilgrims report there is an alternative here to avoid some road
walking. At the red sign to your Left, before the play area, turn Left and
walk along the river. It emerges just beyond the roundabout and bridge
mentioned in the next paragraph]
Has anyone else walked this?