This is great information. It sounds like it must be something other than the once-a-day regularly scheduled stop in Montefurado to pick up pilgrims who want to go back to A Rua after leaving their pack there.
This was the information we had for the forum guide, focusing only on how pilgrims could break up the stage from A Rua to Quiroga, which was too much for some. I’m not sure about starting and ending points of that train, but it may also be of use to
@jennysa :
Day 1: walk from O Barco to A Rúa (14 km). Stay in one of the hostals in town. After lunch, and a rest, walk on to Montefurado and then catch the 18.14 train back to A Rúa (just 10 minutes). Train back to a Rúa leaves from the middle platform, but one peregrina on the wrong platform reported that the train patiently waited for her to get to the right track.
Day 2: As you walked to Montefurado the day before, now catch the 10.03 train from A Rúa, get off at Montefurado (just 9 minutes), and continue on to Quiroga.
These two stages would be roughly the same distance.
I can’t find any information on the tourist train that
@Margaret Butterworth shows in her picture — do you know if it’s seasonal?