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Question..Donativo/Muni albergues OR Private lodgings?

Time of past OR future Camino
Recent:Norte/Muxia- Spring '23
MadridWay- Fall '23
I have walked many Caminos and I have mixed feelings about this topic.
I usually try to book private lodgings in recent years when I walk on less traveled Caminos as I prefer to feel confident I have a place to stay at the end of the day since I am a slower walker. Some say I should stay in donativo albergues when possible because if I pay at least an equivalent to private lodgings it actually helps keep them alive for pilgrims who walk with less funds.
OTOH, I sometimes hear it takes beds away from pilgrims who rely on donativos to help them make it to Santiago on a shoestring budget.
There seem to be no clear rules. Are these merely opinions to be heeded or disregarded, and we all should do what "feels good and right" in our own thoughts and life?
...and ship it to Santiago for storage. You pick it up once in Santiago. Service offered by Casa Ivar (we use DHL for transportation).
I have walked many Caminos and I have mixed feelings about this topic.
I usually try to book private lodgings in recent years when I walk on less traveled Caminos as I prefer to feel confident I have a place to stay at the end of the day since I am a slower walker. Some say I should stay in donativo albergues when possible because if I pay at least an equivalent to private lodgings it actually helps keep them alive for pilgrims who walk with less funds.
OTOH, I sometimes hear it takes beds away from pilgrims who rely on donativos to help them make it to Santiago on a shoestring budget.
There seem to be no clear rules. Are these merely opinions to be heeded or disregarded, and we all should do what "feels good and right" in our own thoughts?
Well I have done 5 caminos and tend to stay in private dorms. I am a very slow walker and do long days so need to have late check in. I always pre book where I can. I don’t want to carry a sleeping bag and have no ability to put up a tent! I guess I regard a dorm on the Camino as quite luxurious as I have stayed at a lot of dorms in non Camino places and the quality and the ‘behaviour’ is very different. I think many folks who stay in albergues probably don’t stay on dorms in normal life so really treat it with respect. I am used to lots of poor behaviour and bed bugs and no sleep off Camino, bit behaviour is largely exemplary on Camino.

Re Donativos. I like the concept, it’s lovely of course, but I am very outgoing and pretty much talk to everyone and have yet to come across folks who are struggling with funds. In my 5-10 donativo stays, mainly it has been folks looking for a cheap night who probably don’t need it. Put €5 in the tin or forget to pay. I don’t doubt people on low funds exist of course but they seem a very small number so I wouldn’t be concerned about taking a bed away from someone who can’t afford a private dorm. For me it’s a small number. Even my partner who was with me in Fisterra today and Santiago last week commented on how relatively affluent folks seem to be versus her expectation - maybe I had convinced her it was a tougher gig than it is!!

Just my take and view. Nowadays I would put in €25 for a bed and €15 dinner as that in what I pay private, so it’s not a financial decision. It’s a double edge sword as am not too keen on funding free loaders, but of course want to support the infrastructure!!!
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I have walked many Caminos and I have mixed feelings about this topic.
I usually try to book private lodgings in recent years when I walk on less traveled Caminos as I prefer to feel confident I have a place to stay at the end of the day since I am a slower walker. Some say I should stay in donativo albergues when possible because if I pay at least an equivalent to private lodgings it actually helps keep them alive for pilgrims who walk with less funds.
OTOH, I sometimes hear it takes beds away from pilgrims who rely on donativos to help them make it to Santiago on a shoestring budget.
There seem to be no clear rules. Are these merely opinions to be heeded or disregarded, and we all should do what "feels good and right" in our own thoughts and life?
Yep. It’s one of those really good topics for discussion among any assemblage of pilgrims anywhere any time.

Yes, a generous donation helps keep a donativo alive. Yes, your custom keeps those little family owned and run hotels and hostales alive.

Do as you would be done by. Do what “feels good and right”.
Ideal pocket guides for during and after your Camino. Each weighs just 40g (1.4 oz).
We work in donativos and love them. The ones where we work are always special in some way with great memories, so that is where we choose to stay when there is an opportunity to do so. They are usually quite simple with no frills (some exceptions, of course). Private albergues can also be wonderful. I find private rooms to be really isolating, although nice once in a while. I am not fussy about having my own bathroom or silence at night. This summer I camped my way around Alaska and parts of Canada and some nights walked up to a quarter of a mile to reach a simple latrine/pit toilet and was quite satisfied. Each pilgrim is different and although I am happy with my choice, I know it isn't for everyone.
I know that you plan to walk the Invierno next, and the donativo albergue Casa Rosa in Puente de Domingo Flórez is a MUST. They aren't on Gronze, but their information is on the Wise Pilgrim app, and their Instagram account. You can reserve via WhatsApp +34648417406

BTW, this is a private donativo albergue.

The breakfast should convince you

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Whilst my days of sleeping in donativos are largely behind me that doesn’t preclude making a donation whilst passing. I’ve often asked if I might have a coffee if I’m passing round the end of breakfast time and I pay generously if I can.

It’s a while ago, but I recall only a handful of the residents who were there by necessity.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
The breakfast should convince you
@trecile, that breakfast does convince me😋, but since we are staying overnight in Las Medulas first, Casa Rosa is too close, being only approx.10km beyond and we already have plans to stay the following night in Sobredelo. I will try to stop in though, take look around and say hello as I have heard wonderful things about it.
Some say I should stay in donativo albergues when possible because if I pay at least an equivalent to private lodgings it actually helps keep them alive for pilgrims who walk with less funds.
Chris I think you should stay at albergues of any type otherwise you would be depriving pilgrims of the pleasure of your company. ;)
Chris I think you should stay at albergues of any type otherwise you would be depriving pilgrims of the pleasure of your company. ;)
Thanks, Rick.😅
I have stayed almost exclusively at municipal and donativo albergues on my first, second, and third Caminos in the past, knowing nothing else.
My question now relates more to if I avoid them, which leaves beds for the needy, or if I use them and pay generously, it helps keep donativos afloat, but at the same time takes a bed away from a more needy pilgrim. It is a quandary to me with seemingly no perfect answer.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
My question now relates more to if I avoid them, which leaves beds for the needy, or if I use them and pay generously, it helps keep donativos afloat, but at the same time takes a bed away from a more needy pilgrim.
Obviously, if there are empty beds in the donativo then your presence and Euros will be appreciated!
My question now relates more to if I avoid them, which leaves beds for the needy, or if I use them and pay generously, it helps keep donativos afloat, but at the same time takes a bed away from a more needy pilgrim.
You raise a valid point.
As others have pointed out without business (and the more generous donations of some) these Donativos would struggle, perhaps cease to exist.
So perhaps the easiest way to resolve this is: when it is busy book privately. When it is quieter, stay at the Donativos.
mainly it has been folks looking for a cheap night who probably don’t need it. Put €5 in the tin or forget to pay. I don’t doubt people on low funds exist of course but they seem a very small number
I couldn't agree more, that has been my experience too.

I've always used the opportunities that have arisen either on trail, at dinner, or just in casual conversation of an evening to try and educate people. On more than one occasion individuals felt that they only needed to leave a small amount because they believed the D. Albergues were supported by either 1/ the community or 2/ the church. They considered it to be equivalent to leaving a tip.
I will say that in September, I have heard of a lot of the albergues on the stage towns on the CF being full or having a lot of pilgrims (through my sources.) That being said it isn't every day and mostly related to waves. Some, as an example, Arrés on the Aragones was reported empty tonight by a forum member who is serving there. For us, it boils down to making a donativo our first choice and taking something else if it isn't available. It is the same with Xunta Albergues. I love them, but others don't. I have never not found a bed, but I don't walk in the busiest times on purpose. I know what to do if the place I want is full.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
I'd say, if a donativo seems to be almost full and you know there are still many pilgrims on the way, you can still just leave a donation and walk on to a private albergue, hotel, ect.

You can also always ask the hospitaleros if they are very busy / expect to be full that day. If yes, you can walk on and only leave a donation.

If it is not very busy and you are not likely to take away a bed from someone who needs it, why not stay in a donativo? The great thing about them is that anyone can stay :)

When I walk with my tent and for a change want to stay in a donativo or municipal (inside), but it seems very busy, I always tell the hospitaleros: should someone arrive later who needs a bed, I am happy to move on, or sleep outside in the garden / on the terrace/ on the floor (since I have a sleeping mat), ect.

I rarely walk to exhaustion. So if someone arrives late and needs a bed, usually I'd still be fine to walk another 5-10km to the next place with a bed or campsite.

Was never necessary so far.

Even this spring, when there was a lot of drama around beds, it never happened.

The Zubiri municipal still had beds when it closed for night, despite rumours that Zubiri was fully booked. Granon was extremely busy, and the hospitaleros seemed a bit shocked how many pilgrims arrived, but still, two mattresses were still available in the end.
On my first Camino in 2010 I only stayed in municipal or parish albergues, some of which were donativos run by volunteers, others charged a mere €5. I was grateful for whatever I was offered. As I've often mentioned, that experience prompted me to become a volunteer hospitalera. 13 years on, I still prefer to stay in donativos although my pocketbook now allows me to stay in private albergues. For me the donativos are the heart and soul of the Camino and I want to support the amazing traditional as best I can. I've never felt guilty taking the bed of someone in need and in fact I hope that my contribution helps to pay forward.

If you have the choice, stay where your heart leads you.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
@trecile, that breakfast does convince me😋, but since we are staying overnight in Las Medulas first, Casa Rosa is too close, being only approx.10km beyond and we already have plans to stay the following night in Sobredelo. I will try to stop in though, take look around and say hello as I have heard wonderful things about it.
YEah... just stop over for breakfast. Say you heard wonderful things about it ;)
I did private albergues because I was pushing stuff forward via transport co so that was that. I also would like to point out that private ALBERGUE does not necessary mean private ROOM; there are plenty of private albergues with common dorms (Quatro Cantones in Belorado come to mind - 4 floors of various rooms!!!)
I go with the general flow of what @Tincatinker said - if you stay at public donativo you help to run that, if you stay on a private albergue - you help to run that, so at the end in some way it all evens out.
Do what you feel is best for you!!!!
I did private albergues because I was pushing stuff forward via transport co so that was that. I also would like to point out that private ALBERGUE does not necessary mean private ROOM; there are plenty of private albergues
And there are donativo albergues that are private, such as the one in Puente de Domingo Flórez.
Perfect memento/gift in a presentation box. Engraving available, 25 character max.
I have walked many Caminos and I have mixed feelings about this topic.
I usually try to book private lodgings in recent years when I walk on less traveled Caminos as I prefer to feel confident I have a place to stay at the end of the day since I am a slower walker. Some say I should stay in donativo albergues when possible because if I pay at least an equivalent to private lodgings it actually helps keep them alive for pilgrims who walk with less funds.
OTOH, I sometimes hear it takes beds away from pilgrims who rely on donativos to help them make it to Santiago on a shoestring budget.
There seem to be no clear rules. Are these merely opinions to be heeded or disregarded, and we all should do what "feels good and right" in our own thoughts and life?
I think we all should do "what feels good and right" in our thoughts and life. I also think being better informed can help point those feelings in the right direction. ;-)

I think giving a generous donation to donativos is a good thing, and can coincide with staying at said donativo albergue or not. :)

In my experience, staying at donativos on less traveled Caminos is unlikely to take beds away from pilgrims who need them. When I was walking the Madrid, two thirds of the time I was the only pilgrim in the albergue, and in the other third of the nights, no one was ever turned away from a full albergue. In the same vein, I wasn't too worried about beds at these albergues not being available. But I did like to phone or text or WhatsApp ahead so that the hospitalero would be expecting me.
Like @LTfit I stay in donativos because of the ‘vibe’ and tradition amongst other things.
One of the other things is around budget. Staying in donativos, municipal and parochial Albergues is often a bit cheaper than private albergues and makes the Camino more affordable for me. We are not all as well off as some of the responders to this thread seem to be, but also not as poor as seems to be implied.
I pay the ‘going rate’ at a donativo according to what is provided and occasionally more depending on the circumstances.
I don’t think we can really judge what anyone can afford by how they look or act. Last Camino I walked with a young woman who looked quite affluent on the outside but was on a tight budget due to her current life’s circumstances.

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