Annie, I don’t have personal experience here, but I think that you guys should think about how this will play out a few days from now. What happens when this person wants to go home? She will need a negative covid test to get on the plane or a certificate of recovery, as
@Michael Swanberg has so helpfully detailed. But to get that certificate of recovery she needs to show that she is 10 days beyond the date of a positive test result that the authorities will accept. To my understanding, that has to be an officially recognized test, easy to get in a lab in Spain. I don’t know about pharmacies.
Siince so many people with covid still test positive many days after they are not considered infectious, I would think that an official test dated at least 10 days before she wants to go home would possibly save her a lot of time. That’s because, at least to my understanding, if she tests positive before the flight (and doesn’t have an official test done earlier) she will then need 10 MORE days before she can get the certiicate.
In other words, rather than rely on the hope that she tests negative in a few days, I would also make sure to have an official, recognized positive test result that will start the clock ticking for the 10 days “recovery from Covid” option. You don’t mention how she found out she was positive, so this may be unnecessary information for you if she does indeed have an official result.
I also say this with some doubts about its accuracy, so if there are people with better information, let me know and I will edit or delete this post.