Veteran Member
A friend, Mony Dojeiji, lives in Ottawa, Canada and is a Caminoist. Here is a copy of a post I received from her on Facebook;
Announcing...my new book "Walking Alone: a pilgrim's guide to the inner journey"!
In the many presentations I’ve done over the years, one of the consistent themes that arises is how to walk alone.
Not only on pilgrimage, but in life.
What I have learned is that key to walking alone is having the courage to look beyond the physical, and to delve into the workings of our inner world – mind, emotions, spirit – so that we can better understand ourselves, and walk in confidence and curiosity of the world rather than in fear of it.
In this personal guide, I offer you insights and reflections based on my personal experiences of having walked alone (as a pilgrim on the path and in life), and how you can begin that journey towards self-knowing that only you can tread, starting now.
"Walking Alone" is available as an e-book and paperback, in the Amazon of your country.
I will also offer workshops in the new year, in person and online. Stay tuned!
My thanks to my ever-supportive pilgrim husband and partner-in-all Alberto for proofreading the book, offering suggestions, designing the cover and contributing his artwork to the pages. Te quiero
Announcing...my new book "Walking Alone: a pilgrim's guide to the inner journey"!
In the many presentations I’ve done over the years, one of the consistent themes that arises is how to walk alone.
Not only on pilgrimage, but in life.
What I have learned is that key to walking alone is having the courage to look beyond the physical, and to delve into the workings of our inner world – mind, emotions, spirit – so that we can better understand ourselves, and walk in confidence and curiosity of the world rather than in fear of it.
In this personal guide, I offer you insights and reflections based on my personal experiences of having walked alone (as a pilgrim on the path and in life), and how you can begin that journey towards self-knowing that only you can tread, starting now.
"Walking Alone" is available as an e-book and paperback, in the Amazon of your country.
I will also offer workshops in the new year, in person and online. Stay tuned!
My thanks to my ever-supportive pilgrim husband and partner-in-all Alberto for proofreading the book, offering suggestions, designing the cover and contributing his artwork to the pages. Te quiero