Paquete Azul: Characteristics
Spain and Andorra
Physical characteristics
Peso máximo permitido: 20 kg.
A los envíos voluminosos se les aplicará el criterio peso/volumen (167 kilogramos / metro cúbico), según la siguiente fórmula: Largo x ancho x alto (en centímetros) / 6.000
Maximum size:
- Box: Length + Height + Width = 200 cm., with the longest side not exceeding 100 cm.
- Roll/Tube: Length = 100 cm., Diameter: 15 cm.
Minimum size:
- Box: 14 x 9 cm.
- Roll: Length + 2 times the diameter = 17 cm., with the longest side being no smaller than 10 cm.
Additional Services
- Reception confirmation.
- Cash on Delivery.
- Insured value.
Logistical operations and delivery periods
- It is acceptable in offices or mail depots under contract.
- Have a recorded circulation
- Delivered under certified signature at home.
- In the case it cannot be delivered, a notification is left, so as to be collected within the 15 days in the nearest office
Delivery period:
- Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla: from 3 to 5 working days.
- Canary Islands: 8 working days.
For items deposited before 16:00 in offices open in the afternoon or 14:30 in offices open mornings only.
In Mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands, delivery of 90% of items within 5 working days
Important note: For items sent from and to the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, possible customs retentions are not included in delivery times.
Refund for a loss shipment: 23.44 €
Packages with commercial content being sent to the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla are to be accompanied by the Customs declaration (SAD) and three copies of the commercial invoice. We remind you that this form should state, among other details, the tax identification details of both sender and recipient (NIF).
Non-commercial shipments being sent by individuals to these destinations are to be accompanied by the DA-1 declaration of value form, which must also state the NIF of both sender and recipient.