I’ve had plantar fasciitis several times. I’m fine now, but it can return at any time (More likely if I walk in sandals or shoes without cushioned inner soles.)
If/when it returns, this is how I address it: rolling my arches over a bottle of frozen water several times daily. Well cushioned shoes (plantar fasciitis inner soles and - when really bad - Tuli’s Heel Cups (green version).
I use Footlogics ’Sport’ model inner soles, (they also have a plantar fasciitis model - but the Sport version has been so good I don’t want to mess with it and it is also for planter fasciitis.
https://footlogics-shop.com.au/orthotic-insoles/footlogics-sports/. They have gel pads in the heel and forefoot, good arch support (the over flexing of the arch can cause the condition), and a slight metatarsal rise.
I aways wear the most cushioned boots/hiking shoes I can get. Altra Olympus trail runners are the most cushioned (approx 3.5 cm) and have a very wide toe box. However, if you don’t like a ‘balanced cushion/zero drop’ shoe (same depth cushion at forefoot and heel), then try Hoka trail runners. They are also super cushioned - but I find them too narrow. Start wearing the super cushioned shoes/heel cups etc now.
I’ve had some good cushioned boots too - but I always use the cushioned inner soles too. My boots need to be bigger than previously, as a result.
As a multi day bushwalker I can’t afford to have a flare up miles from anywhere so I always carry the Tuli’s heel cups (I use the green ones). If I get a flare up I know that I can walk in these (on top of the inner soles) as they reduce the pain so much. They are not the same as flat gel heel cups (they have a 3 dimensional rubber ‘grid’ that absorbs and cushions more).
Tulis heel cups
https://www.findsports.com.au/p/tulis-heavy-duty-pro-heel-cups-regular/AS-1519R?CAWELAID=120437600000137799&msclkid=0c920bcb00481ca5a2276830c5feb9fb&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=PM | Standard Shopping | All Products (ex Best Sellers) | AU&utm_term=4586544040085007&utm_content=Ad group #1
Also, I carry one plantar fasciitis sock (just a toes-less sock that compresses the arch) ‘just in case’ - never used it but it’s light…