- Time of past OR future Camino
- Too many and too often!
A book launch was held yesterday in the Santiago Museum of Pilgrimage to promote a new English-language translation of a 2007 book about Elías Valiña and his work in the 20th century revival of walking pilgrimage to Santiago. The original Spanish-language book was written by Luís Celeiro Álvarez and the English translation is by Laurie Dennett.
Una nueva obra en inglés sobre Elías Valiña enriquece la Biblioteca Xacobea - Diario de Santiago. Noticias de Santiago de Compostela y Galicia.
El Museo de las Peregrinaciones acogió esta tarde la presentación del libro Pilgrim Spirit: Elías Valiña and the Revival of the Camino 1959-1989, una obra que […]