I am pleased to have found news of your book and website etc......and I look forward to reading your blog and articles.
as a senior
and I am considering travelling the Camino BUT
my initial enthusiam has worn off ......... it currently sounds like a very muddy wet trek ........ As a former RC who left the church in the usual disillusionment !!! I still go to church and have a spiritual path but
I can't figure out why so many folks walk. Obviously as a physical challenge (the young and robust and competitive (usually males)) a cheap enough holiday-of-sorts, (students etc...), the curious, adventurous, those looking for answers to the quandary of life etc.... Still I can quandar (is that a word ? ) at home, surrounded by home comforts and warmth. I can appreciate that being taken out of my comfort zone can lead to more openness and awareness towards new solutions/ways of being in the world.
however, being soaking wet and standing in puddles is more likely to have me question my sanity. I have five adult'ish children so I have well and truly developed the qualities of perserverance etc. etc.
is it still considered a 'pilgrimage' if when the rain sets in one stays in dry shelter awaiting finer weather. And do people these days still believe they receive 'grace' from their sins by subjecting themselves to hardships etc. etc. I know it all comes down to the 'intentions of the heart' and there are no hard and fast answers.
some folk casually say "Well, why so much preparation etc. etc..... boots, paks, poles......" usually those with no intent on walking !! "The REAL pilgrims just walked out their door in their sandals !! with the clothes on their back and their knapsack over their shoulder". I can only muse along the lines "Well they had fewer expectations and were more use to hardships. They weren't comparing their Camino experience to their recent Club Med vacation 8)
I still feel keen towards walking in 2008 and ordering "un café con leche por favor". I expect the walk itself (and your book/blog :idea: ) will help to clear my head.
a reason to walk could perhaps be summed up in this way :-
It is only by following your deepest instinct
that you can lead a rich life,
and if you let your fear of consequence
prevent you from following your deepest instinct,
then your life will be safe, expedient and thin.
- Katharine Butler Hathaway