Hi Welcome to the Forum
So.... off to the Napoleon Route you climb, say 2-2.5 hours you will come to a huge deck/veranda which belongs to Auberge Orisson (oh yeah kinda hard to miss that one too). Sit dow, take a load off, hava a sandwich and some Basqu beer... hopefully it is nice and sunny so enjoy the stupendous views of Pyrenees.
Then trudge perhaps another 1-1.5km to Borda (on your left IIRC)
next morning continue climbing slightly less than 3km and you'll come to The Virgin. Unless its way too foggy you can't miss here - The Camino takes a sharp turn to the right, there is a parking area at 9 o'clock and she is more or less 10 o'clock (if you know what I am saying) on some small stone outcropping.
Then after you finished your visit stop at the famous lunch truck and soon after you will be coming accross the Croix de Thibault and leave the road to follow the signs to the right.... you're almost out of France and into Espagna....
Buen Camino!!!!