Maybe you can find little forgiveness seeing you are on a pilgrimage.
You must be joking. What do you think my grandfather would say to you after he was orphaned at 11 years old because his family was murdered in a Pogrom? This is a man who for years has spewed hate. He was raised by a father who said this in a New York Times interview:
In his interview for the
New York Times Magazine article, Gibson dismissed historical accounts that six million Jews were exterminated:
"Go and ask an undertaker or the guy who operates the crematorium what it takes to get rid of a dead body," he said. "It takes one liter of petrol and 20 minutes. Now, six million?" Across the table, Joye [Gibson's wife] suddenly looked up from her plate. ... She had kept quiet most of the day, so it was a surprise when she cheerfully piped in. "There weren't even that many Jews in all of Europe," she said.
"Anyway, there were more after the war than before," Hutton added. The entire catastrophe was manufactured, said Hutton, as part of an arrangement between Hitler and "financiers" to move Jews out of Germany. Hitler "had this deal where he was supposed to make it rough on them so they would all get out and migrate to Israel because they needed people there to fight the Arabs," he said.
Like father like son:
"I mean when the war was over they said it was 12 million. Then it was six. Now it’s four. I mean it’s that kind of numbers game."
"Why are they calling her a
Nazi? …Because modern secular
Judaism wants to blame the
holocaust on the
Catholic Church. And it's a lie. And it's
revisionism. And they've been working on that one for a while."
And of course his most famous quote:
" "F@$ing Jews... the Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. Are you a Jew?"
I guess I am not much of a Pilgrim in your eyes. That is fine with me, no problem. Forgive? What does it matter? Does it burn in my heart? Not in the least. He is too insignificant to bother. and Forget? NEVER AGAIN.