I'm not Catholic but it is really special to be welcomed into the Churches in Spain while on Camino and to attend mass not just in Santiage de Compostela, but in other places such as Roncesvelles, Leon and so on which I have done. But being non-Catholic, I didn't understand much at all about the service.
Recently, one of Australia's most loved and enduring television and radio personalities, Bert Newton died , and his State Funeral was broadcast on national television. Mr. Newton had a very long requiem mass and during that mass, during the Catholic part of the service, the officiating priest explained in English what each section of mass was as it happened and what the Church believed in before performing the section.
I found the explanations to be most interesting and I gained some insight into the beliefs of the Catholic religion. I learned many things that I didn't know before.
Before the Catholic members of the congregation lined up to recieve a small token of bread from the priest, he invited people who were not Catholics to come forward also and signify that they only wished for a blessing, by crossing their arms.
My question is that if I come forward when I next attend mass in Spain and as a non-Catholic, cross my arms will the priest recognise that I wish to receieve a blessing?
For me, it doesn't matter whether the service is in Latin, Spanish, English of whatever. For me it is about just being in the moment and just being quiet, reflective and warm for a moment of time.