Some Spanish friends have alerted me to the fact that tonight at 9 pm (about 40 minutes from now if my time zones are correct), people all over the country will go out on the balcony for a moment of silence with a candle. Though it is just lunch time where I am, I am planning to go stand outside with a candle lit. Maybe that’s a silly thing to do, but it seems like the right thing.
That article notes that 86% of the dead are over 70 years old. In my state, many thousands of miles away, an infant has died.
Convocado este domingo un homenaje a los mayores fallecidos por coronavirus
Una cadena difundida por redes sociales ha convocado un minuto de silencio con velas encendidas este domingo 29 de marzo a las 21.00 horas para homenajear a las personas mayores fallecidas por coronavirus.
That article notes that 86% of the dead are over 70 years old. In my state, many thousands of miles away, an infant has died.