There is a saying that If a problem can be solved, then why worry. And if a problem cannot be solved, why worry? And perhaps this could be relevant to your situation?
It is understandable to be anxious about changes in our lives, but if these changes are unavoidable we should try not to create more worry than is necessary. You don't mention how urgent this transition in your life is or if it will take place after your planned Camino, but if you cannot avoid the transition, and it will wait until you complete your Camino, then I would suggest you consider going to do your Camino.
As Liam above has said, it might give you the space to deal with whatever is coming up, offer clarity and insight and may even fortify your energies as you will have to opportunity to focus on what is important to you in your life. And hopefully, with a clear perspective, your anxiety will be lessened, if not leave completely.
I guess my only concern would be if this transition needed to be dealt with as quickly as possible. My worry then would you might remain preoccupied with it while walking. But, if it can wait and cannot be changed if you were to stay and work on it, then go! Walk and think and dream and reenergize and flourish like so many do on the Camino.