I took the liberty of PLAGIARIZING :shock: & adapting :? buena!'s call to action for June/July pilgrims...
Here goes it...
Any takers :?:
BC :arrow: xm 8)
I took the liberty of PLAGIARIZING :shock: & adapting :? buena!'s call to action for June/July pilgrims...
Here goes it...
:!:.All you xillions walking the Caminos (in June/July) that have nothing to loose except ur cotidian chains...it would be cool to have a (non-exclusive) exchange. Drop a post about what's on your mind, how you're training (or not), (skip packing lists :!: ), your strangest pre-camino fears and what not, actually pretty much ANYTHING (well...er...heck, packing lists 2 :!: )...
Any takers :?:
BC :arrow: xm 8)