I think many different practices, which focus one's mind and body on connecting with oneself and others and nature, are like the camino.
I think a part of what draws many of us to the camino -- and daily or weekly to this forum -- are those connections.
It's interesting that you ask this question Al. I awoke long before dawn today and happened to stumble across a documentary called "I am", which asks the questions, "what is wrong with the world and what can be done to fix it". The documentary highlighted the tensions that exist in many lives (including my own) and in societies between cooperation and competition. It suggests that cooperation is a fundamental human (and more broadly in nature) instinct that arises, is perpetuated, or both from genetics and culture. It discussed phenomena such as "mirror genes", which enable people to recognize and respond emotionally to others' pain, joy, success, etc. It discussed the electromagnetic field (characteristic energy) produced by one's heart and the interactions that can and probably do arise between two or more people (and the electromagnetic fields of their hearts). This was not "new age" theory; this stuff has a basis in empirical observation and science.
As I was watching the documentary -- noting that the sky was lightening and the birds were beginning the sing their first songs of the new day -- my thoughts kept turning to the camino and this forum, and a new sense that one of the powerful forces that seems to draw many people to either or both is the positive and beneficial (healthy) experience of cooperation and empathy that many of us knew on the camino and find in this forum.
Of course, one may find cooperation superseding competition almost anywhere, but the effects may be easier to recognize on the camino, where many of us are outside our comfort zone in unfamiliar circumstances, relying on others and eager to help others -- in a sense, a sort of purer connectedness, unrelated to our livelihoods and cultural pressures.