Bob, one of my most 'medieval' moments was at Aubrac. The mist had descended and I could barely see anything. I was walking along the modern road as advised at the previous gite, since the heavy rain the previous day would have rendered the track very boggy. Suddenly, out of the mist and rain, loomed towers of the medieval monastery. It was perhaps the moment along the whole Chemin where I felt most that I was following in the footsteps of medieval pilgrims. I was also aware that they would not have had the luxury of a modern road to guide them in such weather, and that the sound of bells tolling from the towers might well have saved some lives in such conditions. However, I gratefully left the medieval moment and entered the warm, dry modern restaurant nearby, where I had a delicious lunch along with many other pilgrims!
A few days later I met some French walkers who had crossed the plateau the day after me. They never saw towers looming out of the mist. They said the mist was so thick they could barely see their hands in front of their noses. And they walked in snow.