e ultreia, e sus eia
My copy of the song spells the word " e ultreia" It is also in the song" Ad Honorem Regis Summi)
Dum Paterfamilas (Codex Calixtinus)
Dum paterfamilias, Rex universorum
Donaret provincias, jus apostolorum
Jacobus Hispanias, lux illustrat morum,
*Primus ex Apostolis! Martyr Jerosolymis!
Jacobus Egregio sacer est martyrio.
Jacobi Gallecia open rogat piam,
Glebe cuius Gloria dat insignem viam,
Ut precum frequentia cantet melodiam:
Herru Sanctiagu! Got Santiciagu!
E ultreia! E sus eia! Deus adjuva nos.
God, Father of all mankind, King, ruler of the world
Gave to his apostles dear,
lands, each to their own just care
James in his own land of Spain,
Shines out with a holy flame
*First amongst Apostles now!
Martyred at Jerusalem!
James became the holiest
by illustrious martyrdom!
Lo! James’s Galicia calls out for our pious toil,
Marching on the holy way, road over her glorious soil.
Blending all our prayers in one harmony of endless song:
To Lord St James! To God’s St James!
And Onward! And Upward! God speed our way!
Mail me f you would like a copy of the music sheet