Hi there
I know what you mean. I've been reading various posts and making notes on the route and am none the wiser either. However, from one blog post, which was dated 16th July 2015, comes this:
Someone wrote this:
"The next important point is that you can't go directly to Laza at the moment. You need to start on the southern Verín route. The board suggests it is about 30 km.
And the response was this:
I know there is a big board that says the Camino is CLOSED and to go through Verin. I was looking very despondent after reading it so a little old lady came up to me (from the shop near by) and told me to ignore the sign! She explained lots of peregrinos had complained/got lost etc so the Amigos del Camino had just come from Ourense to re-mark the way with yellow arrows all the way to Laza.
I'm so sorry you had such a long, hard day, I wrote it in my blog but didn't post on the forum
Unless things have changed since, please pilgrims go straight to Laza! (Check with the locals first just in case).
That section is absolutely fine to walk, no probs , until you arrive at Laza that is and you realise the extent of the damage they've caused to the countryside I'm sure that is why they don't want people to walk that way.
I will be leaving Seville in 10 days time and will be following the route you are on. Could I ask that you post what you find out after you have done the walk from A Gudina, please. It will help those who follow you (especially me)!
Have a great day tomorrow and I hope it doesn't turn out too long!