The first thing to ask yourself is if 86 kg is your ideal weight. If its not, you should base any pack weight calculations on whatever you ideal weight is, not your current actual weight. The second thing to ask yourself is how far and fast you want to walk each day. I met people who wanted to walk 30+km every day, and do that in around six hours of walking. You don't do that with a heavy pack. To travel far, fast or both, you need to travel with a lighter pack. If, like me, your prepared to average a bit less, or spend a bit more time on the road, carrying a little more might be okay.
I recommend using a from the skin out target, rather than just pack weight. This includes everything. Your pack, your worn clothing and footwear, food, water - the works. Assume for a moment that your ideal weight is 86kg, a 20% FSO target would be 17.2 kg. If your worn clothing and footwear was around 2.5 to 3 kg, your base pack around 8 kg and you carried 2.5 kg of food and water, this would be a total of 13-13.5 kg, well within target.
My other observation is that the 10% target is for the pack without food or water, so you are currently under the 10% target at present, not over it as you suggest.