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LIVE from the Camino For those worried about beds...


Veteran Member
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Francés ('15, '19)
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...I am on day eight of walking the Francés at the moment. It is quite busy. A lot of talk about beds (and the need to book ahead).

I don't book.

Today I tried really hard not to get a bed. I really tried.

Got up late. Took my time to pack.
Stopped at the first available café to have breakfast.
Stopped often to rest my feet.
Had second breakfast.
Stopped more often to rest my feet.
Had lunch.
Stopped at every available bar along the way. Stopped to feed and pet some cats.
Stopped under a tree in the shade.
Walked very, very slowly.
Stopped at another bar when entering town after a long day of 30kms (9 1/2hrs on the way - I'm slow!)

Arrived at the municipal albergue of a "stage town" at 5pm.

Still got a bed.

And it wasn't the last one!

So, please, dear pilgrims old and new. Don't worry too much about accommodation.

But bring sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat. Even beginning of april. I'm completely burned. Glowing red like a ripe tomato. Who would have expected that after all the talk about snow the last weeks! As someone who has walked several Caminos in summer, I should have known better... Embarrassing!

DId I say that everything is fantastic right now? Even though I look like a grilled chicken?

Weather is perfect.
Trails are in good condition.
Other pilgrims are lovely.
There's enough beds for everyone.

So Happy to be back right now!
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I read in the paper that a warm front is coming through. Temps in Galicia near 30C coming! Maybe buy some sunscreen or you'll look like shoe leather by the time you finish!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Thanks for this update! I'm starting my walk from SJPDP next week and appreciate this info!
I’m on day 10 and just walked into Burgos.
Albergues outside of stages at mostly half full. Only special ones might be completo.

Mornings are freezing cold very often. At 11 I take off my layers, and consequently get sunburned after. It’s sunny, up to 20 degrees, but the sun really will burn you if you hike past 1 or 2.

I looked at the forecasts for the Meseta, Leon and Santiago, no rain anywhere. But wind can be stormy and cold!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
You really are going to have to try harder, otherwise you might not be able to complain about the deleterious effect of there being too many other pilgrims to keep you company
Just wondering what you consider freezing cold? Everyone has their own definition. Buen Camino and from what I read above warm weather seems to be coming soon.
A selection of Camino Jewellery
I love this!!!!! Not stressing about life!!!
Mornings are freezing cold very often. At 11 I take off my layers,
I totally relate to this. On my spring Caminos in the first couple of weeks in April there are often extremely cold mornings. I start out wearing my layers, puffy, gloves and hat that covers my ears. I remove them after a few hours, but will never choose to leave them home as I never walk in summer.
I am 4 days behind you. There IS no bed race. It seems to me so far that this is a less trafficed (!) Camino than usual. It seems, however, that there is a larger portion of panicked firsttimers.

No need to worry. Everything is working on the Camino, unless you have been stupid enough to walk in the heat after 3PM without knowing of a place to stay yet. I saw a few of those in Estella today while enjoying my dinner in peace and quiet. I will ignore any comments to that fact. It is a fact as I am concerned so far.

Right: going early to bed now: as a 70 years okd grumpy man I need time to get to Los Arcos tomorrow before the heat sets in.
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A selection of Camino Jewellery
Just wondering what you consider freezing cold? Everyone has their own definition. Buen Camino and from what I read above warm weather seems to be coming soon.
Freezing cold is 2 degrees Celsius plus cold Wind. Freezing like when water freezes. Maybe also up to 6 degrees.
Freezing by the definition itself is 0C \32F. Anything else is NOT freezing, wether it feels like it or not. When it comes to the wind - we have a term in US (and for all i know the same anywhere else in teh World): "Wind chill". i.e. the temps today only reach 6C but the wind-chill is -4C.
6C is "balmy" and probably way too hot to some Alaskans or Siberians (well definitely Siberians...)
Just wondering what you consider freezing cold? Everyone has their own definition. Buen Camino and from what I read above warm weather seems to be coming soon.
I don't think any technical definition is going to help here. It seems to me that there is a rather loose colloquial meaning being used. I know in my house, it refers to any temperature where my wife feels uncomfortable, doesn't want to wear a jumper, and needs an excuse to turn on the heating before the start of winter.

On the camino, it seems to refer to any temperature where one gets chilled enough to be uncomfortable. If one is wearing fewer layers, that might be at a higher temperature than someone who has several layers which include a windproof jacket.
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The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
One of the things the Camino teaches is is not to give a tinker's curse about things that don't matter, and how few of those there really are. One of the joys it gives us is watching your fears gradually transform into joyous insouciance ... In other words, into not giving a flying rubber duck
The first edition came out in 2003 and has become the go-to-guide for many pilgrims over the years. It is shipping with a Pilgrim Passport (Credential) from the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
So true. I know exactly what you mean about definitions. My mom and my wife would be perfect roommates for your wife! I only ask about what the OP thinks is cold out of curiosity. A native of a Scandinavian country and someone who was born where I live in Mexico would have ideas of what is cold that would span the universe! As with so many questions that have little specificity it makes it pretty difficult sometimes to determine an answer that may have relevant advice and information.
I might've alluded to this before on the Forum but my wife is the only person i know that took a sweater to Hawaii and actually wore it!
You are funny. I am from Hawaii and always have a long sleeve or sweater in my vehicle...In Hawaii 72 degrees is time to put socks on, long sleeves, and a hat!
You are funny. I am from Hawaii and always have a long sleeve or sweater in my vehicle...In Hawaii 72 degrees is time to put socks on, long sleeves, and a hat!
I cannot argue that only when one comes from philadelphia or new york area 72 is far from being cold
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Thank you for your reassuring words. I start on 25 April and I aspire to be as relaxed as you. It will take a lot of effort for me just to stop planning. I'm booked as far as Pamplona.

Oh speaking of the cold, I'm bringing a few of those hand warmer sachet things. They are very lightweight but make all the difference if you just can't seem to get warm. I'm a friolera (feels the cold).
Hi Sarah. I start on the 29th. Depending on our relative speed, perhaps we'll meet up somewhere along the CF. Buen camino!
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You are funny. I am from Hawaii and always have a long sleeve or sweater in my vehicle...In Hawaii 72 degrees is time to put socks on, long sleeves, and a hat!
Really? Where are you from in Hawaii?
The weather forecast here at home operates with two temperatures, real degrees and "feels like" temperature. This is precisely because it depends on the wind, where the wind is coming/direction, and what kind of wind (gusty or steady).

There are two factors that determine the feeling of temperatur, they are body movement and wind. (You can run in 15 minus C without wind with only a thin layer and you can feel very cold and need thick clothes in 5 plus C if you sit still and there is wind).

There is of course a third factor, what you are used to.
I started at SJPDP on 10th and Ronscevalles was full on 12th. People I met got beds in Burgete. Also Zubiri was full on 13th. So it can get booked out.

Apparently that is rare. And as a group as we move down the Camino - we are spreading out to other towns. I am grateful I booked as some days I had zero energy to search for accommodation.
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Last year I spent the night on a bench in pamplona with 5 others who couldn't get accommodation anywhere between Zunbriri and Pamplona. Please nobody say “ but didn’t you …..”. Yes we did, before you ask.
Last year I spent the night on a bench in pamplona with 5 others who couldn't get accommodation anywhere between Zunbriri and Pamplona. Please nobody say “ but didn’t you …..”. Yes we did, before you ask.

I am not saying it doesn't happen.

But it happens very rarely. I hear talk about lack of beds every day, and then in the evening there are still beds available.

Just saw two pilgrims walk into the albergue I stay at this night, right now, 8:30pm, and apparently they got a bed.

I once had to get a lift from Pamplona to Puente La Reina during San Fermines - stupidity on my part. Could have gotten a bed in Zubiri but decided to walk on for a long day... That was truly bad planning on my part. But even then, I got a bed in Puente la Reina in the end without problem. The albergue there was almost empty.

I've also spend a night on a bench too, once, because the albergue didn't allow my kitten in, and I was too lazy to set up the tent.

So yes, sometimes accommodation does fill up, or you don't find the kind of accommodation you want / need at the moment when / where you need it.

So, this thread wasn't intended to mean "there's always a bed exactly when / where you want it".

All I wanted to say with this post was, don't panic without reason.

And most of the time people panic without reason, because of rumours that are not true or because they think if there's no beds on booking.shit then the whole town must be fully booked.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Imo sleeping on a park bench is character-building and should be an essential element in one's education. Btw I'm in O Pedrouso tonight and the place is falling down with empty beds.
But you will sleep on a park bench, right?!
Last year I spent the night on a bench in pamplona with 5 others who couldn't get accommodation anywhere between Zunbriri and Pamplona. Please nobody say “ but didn’t you …..”. Yes we did, before you ask. you DID, DIDN'T you?!
3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
I might've alluded to this before on the Forum but my wife is the only person i know that took a sweater to Hawaii and actually wore it!
My parents live in Perth, but my siblings and I have spread ourselves around Australia. When one brother who lived in the far north of Western Australia would pay a late spring/early summer visit to my parents at the same time as I made the journey across from Canberra, he would be rugged up against the cold at the same time as I was enjoying wandering around in shorts and tee shirts.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
Last year I spent the night on a bench in pamplona with 5 others who couldn't get accommodation anywhere between Zunbriri and Pamplona. Please nobody say “ but didn’t you …..”. Yes we did, before you ask.
This brings back memories....

My very first night in Spain was spent on a park bench in Pamplona before I woke up and ran with the bulls. But that was almost a year before my first Camino.
What a wonderful post! Im off tomorrow to irun then bus to Burgos to resume where i left off last year. Looking forward to it
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
So, it finally happened!

I wanted to do a short day only. Place at 10km - campsite closed "temporarily". Municipal - closed for the day. Other albergues seemed to be full.

I didn't bother to look for private rooms and continued with some other pilgrims to the next place, 10km further. Still beds left now at almost 3pm. Quiet and clean, the town has a bar and serves dinner. We're all happy. The others walked 30km instead of the 20 they had planned for. Everyone survived.

I had gone to the supermarket before, so there's even food for lunch and a bottle of wine.

The Camino provides!
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Born on O'ahu 15 years, moved to Maui in '73, I live Hawaii island 40+ years. And you?
Born & raised on Oahu Manoa Valley..I’m a Valley girl lol lived there all my life…moved to Moloka’i lived there for like 20+ years raised my 4 kids got divorced then moved back to Oahu got remarried & now live in VA but still got a place on Moloka’i so I can go home every year or so. Gotta eat the poi & poke man I miss it big time!
On the other hand, I saw a post from someone on another forum today who said there were no beds in Foncebadon and Pilgrims were being turned away. Honestly, honestly, I think it just depends on where you are in the “wave”

Like I said, it's not that it can't happen that a place is full.

But it is certainly much less of an issue than some people make it out to be.

Where you are in the wave of course plays a role.

How late you arrive plays a role.

How many non-bookable beds are available in the place you intend to stop at plays a role.


When I notice that it is extremely busy, I won't walk on to Foncebadon, but stop a bit more early in Rabanal.

When you know you can't add the over ten km to El Acebo at the end of the day should it be necessary, stop earlier, or make a reservation if you want to be sure.

I'd never walk until the point of "can't walk a single step more". I always end my stages at a point when I still have enough energy to continue walking 5-15km if I have to. So if a place is full, it is no problem, only a change of plans.

Walking to complete exhaustion without a plan b) is bad planning, not a lack of beds, in my opinion.
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The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
In 2021, Phil got one of the last beds at the donativo in Foncebaden. He has miscalculated a holiday in early October and when he arrived in town early afternoon, he stopped at every hotel and albergue on his way up the hill. They were all full and tour buses of Spaniards were unloading at several. His plan had he not gotten a bed was to taxi back to El Ganso where he had been the night before since it is not a common stop and then taxi back again the next day.

I think it is hard not to panic when you are unfamiliar. Most who have contributed to this post are experienced pilgrims, but I remember being a new pilgrim when it all seemed a little scary.

Thankyou @good_old_shoes for making the effort to try to calm fears.
The Wise Pilgrim app has a new feature where you can see what places have beds currently. The developer is rolling it out this week. It is up to the albergue if they use it. Here at Betania, a donativo in Pamplona, where we have as yet to fill and often have less than 6 pilgrims for 14-18 beds, we are using it to keep info up to date on our bed situation pilgrims who do not book. Ultreia!
Thank you for the re-assurance. I am walking on Wednesday and am feeling the nerves and anxiety of a "first timer". Mainly due to my flight changes. I was originally going to arrive in SJPDP at 11.00am and now I am arriving at 11.00pm. Initially, I didn't book accommodation but today I did book accommodation in SJPDP. I also booked a taxi to take me directly to the accommodation.
Ideal sleeping bag liner whether we want to add a thermal plus to our bag, or if we want to use it alone to sleep in shelters or hostels. Thanks to its mummy shape, it adapts perfectly to our body.


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