No that was not my point.
My point was that EG stated in an email that he had read it in a guide book that we are *supposed to* do this… and as it turns out, it’s a guide book that many tens of thousands of people buy and follow almost religiously each year. Down tot he “must walk in 33 days…”
We are all responsible for our own choices, but the power of persuasion of
Brierly to encourage absurd choices as some kind of “authority” is more powerful than of a vlogger with a small audience in a niche market.
And I am troubled by what causes the great animosity to a minor player and free pass to a major one. I won’t even begin to address
the problems of *the film* that sent great surges of “pilgrims” to Spain since 2011… in numbers not seen since the medieval period…
I think there is a mirror we could all look into to wonder what makes our desires and adventures and spiritual whatever’s so necessary that as a collective we get to stomp all over Spain (leaving as we do, the collective damage of the litter, the carbon footprint of the major travels, the wasted plastics in the form of water bottles and yogurt containers… of everything… everything.
But let’s hang EG from a cruceiro for what
unique sin…. ?
Yes, yes… he burnt his underpants… and then his compostelas….
Well… again
Brierly encourages people to engage in the burning but remains “St. John” to many…. and there are no “pile ons” against those who “discount” the compostela with their assertions to others here that in the end the credenciale is more meaningful, more important and that their compostelas will end up shoved in a drawer somewhere.
There’s some internal inconsistency and I can’t figure out what is motivating it.
Feels like a burr in my shoe…