Hola! Leaving on April 29 for my first Camino. We are planning to transport our backpacks each day, and stay in a combination of albergues and hotels. I'm debating whether to bring my gear in a duffel rather than a backpack since we're transporting. It's much harder to get to things in the backpack, and I know you're not supposed to lay backpacks, clothes, etc on the bed or floor because of the potential for bedbugs. It seems like it would be easier to get to things in a duffel rather than digging for them in the backpack. Is there any reason, other than the lack of flexibility to decide to NOT transport on a given day, that a duffel is not a good idea? And another question.....in albergues, do they have hooks to hang your backpack/duffel on, since they're not supposed to go on bed or floor? Thank you for any thoughts on this!