Well, as long as I know that the pole(s) is/r traveling with me, one way or another, am ok with that.
There's a 6 hour diff (I think) between "my side" of the New, and the Old World.
When I wake up, say, 6 am, and check my mail as part of my cafe con leche morning ritual, u guys have already spent 1/2 a day at work and r close to lunch.
Then, throughout the day, I check my mail sporadically, particularly the Camino-related; let's say that it's a "survival skill" of sorts I've been able to "conjure" that helps me get through the work day in a Jacobean dream-like state.
I mean, mentally-wise, am not really here, "here." I'm there, "there," already walking somewhere in between Oloron-Somport, and with everyone that's on their way.
Right now, for example, 3:45 pm here, is 9:45 pm, there. It's daylight, sunny, and t-shirt hot. Am off-work, about to go train for an hour. But before doing that I like to connect with u guys for a bit of "emotional Jacobean support" to last me for the day, and some four weeks until I leave for Spain.
That type of support is basically one of the very meaningful things am getting from forum participation, as I share my experiences, anecdotes, suggestions, as well as hearing them from pilgrims like u, too. Being an experienced pilgrim u know what a "high" it is to read a post from someone who's embarking on the experience for the first time, feel their excitement, nervousness, hear the million and one questions (similar to the ones I had way back when), and more. Then, in being able to make suggestions that may bring clarity to their doubts, as well as support, hey, what a way to give back for how much we have gotten from the Caminos!
Then, there's also the pleasure of dialoguing with veteran fellow-pilgrims (open/privately) with whom I share a serious interest about the Jacobean tradition, what all is happening of present-day importance with/on the Caminos, learning about each other's cultures, things that come up like the "bully hospitalera" situation we are up in arms and what we're doing about it, and much, much, more.
One more check-in will take place between 9-10 pm, my time, 3-4 pm, ur time. It's geared towards guaranteeing dreaming with Camino angels :!:
This is not all set in stone, but it's pretty much what's happening.
Cheers, my friend :!:
xm 8)