peregrina nicole
RIP 2016
I am wondering about how much you need to be able to speak Portuguese on the Camino Portugues (in the Portuguese part obviously). I speak fluent Spanish and French (and English) and survival level Italian, but my Portuguese is pretty crap. I can understand a reasonable amount of what I read (thanks to a very basic grasp of Portuguese grammar together with some guess work based on my knowledge of French and Spanish grammar and vocabulary). Interestingly, I can also understand a fair bit of written Galician (its like Spanish with Portuguese bits). However, my Portuguese pronunciation is not very good (it is infiltrated by my French and Spanish and I am hopeless at the nasal sounds) and my oral comprehension needs a lot of work. I am planning on taking a grammar book and small dictionary with me to work on my Portuguese, but I was wondering if people on the route (in the Portuguese part obviously) might understand spoken Spanish. I have managed to survive two days in Brazil by speaking Spanish and trying to guess what was being said back to me in Portuguese. However, this was in an Amazonian village. People in the Amazon tend to speak more slowly and clearly than in Portugal (or so I've been told, I've never been to Portugal before).
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Bom Caminho