Great stories, all. Best lines for me were people I walked with for three days on CF, all under 40, finally getting around to asking the "how old are you? question. I've been pretty much bald since my mid-30's, so it's hard for people to judge age sometimes. When I told the kids how old, their response was "you're awfully fast for an old guy"... made my day! That was five years ago.
Now, I just finished the CP from Lisbon, and ended up walking with a group of five young German lasses, all just out of college or grad school. When they asked and I told them how old, one blurted out in perfect English, "you're older than my grandfather"... and I'm proud of it.
Age is a state of mind over matter; if you don't mind, it don't matter! Don't know who originally said it, but it's my motto when I'm running, cycling and trekking. See you all again next year.