Al the optimist
Veteran Member
I see the opinions expressed by others as opportunities to either change or to fine tune those of mine. I try not to react negatively to them even when after consideration I disagree. In these cases I often choose not to respond. If I do so I try to do so in an inoffensive and non-aggressive manner. I like others can fail in my posting. We all have our ways in life and no one way is the only way. My approach to things is just that - my way of dealing with life, what it presents as challenges and what it offers. Nothing more. Healthy debate is a good thing. It is nicer though if it can take place without animosity, as a way of informing and creating understanding. I have learnt a lot from this forum and not just about the Caminos. It, like my Caminos, has helped me evolve as the current me and hopefully for the benefit of all who are in or who have yet to enter into my life. This Camino is overall a good natured place. It has information, guidance, good humour and largely constrained candour. Not everyone agrees about everything and it would be a sadder place if that were the case but occasionally disagreements occur and things may get a little heated and personal. This is something that happens periodically. It is almost like the inevitability of winter, where the mood changes. Fortunately it has always been a temporary thing, a season to be replaced by the joys of spring, summer and autumn. I apologise for rambling on but I merely wish to express how I feel and plea for others in their own ways find it in their hearts to be kind to others in their posts.