Hi Karen,
My wife and I walked our first Camino this year, The Ingles', we had a really wonderful time.
We walked primarily for ourselves, but also raised £3000, in sponsorship from family and
freinds for our local pre school for children with special needs, as our Grandson has Downs Syndrome.
As well as finding the countryside so wonderful and peaceful, and meeting locals on the way,(not many other pilrgrims) it was great to know that every mile we were helping others not so fortunate as ourselves.
We are also planning to walk the Camino Portugues, but probably not untill 2013, when my wife
retires, when we will have no particular time contraits and can realy enjoy the walk, and once again explore the cities and countryside.
Walking a Camino was fantastic for us, and we very often watch the video we made of our walk, just to relive the tranquility of it and get away from the hustle & bustle of daily work.
A great tonic!!!!!.
best wishes for your Camino and fundraising.
Neil & Brenda White