This thread (ño.59146/ ) might be of some help in taking you up to Gallur. After that, ( ) and mundicamino ( ) will be your friends. You will find these sites as helpful as can be, but there is little traffic on this route -- I encountered only two other pilgrims when I was on the Tarrega-Gallur stretch-- and so not a lot of information. My other notes on the del Ebro can be found at this link ( ).
I loved walking by the Ebro and perhaps one of these days might do the Gallur-Logrono stretch. This is a really interesting and very Spanish part of Spain. The people are very helpful toward pilgrims-- turismos, ayuntamientos, police, and clergy were all warm and supportive, as was pretty well every restauranteur and barkeep. Watch your water, and you'll have a great time.