I'm assuming this is your first child.
If my calculations are correct, you are the mother of a newborn. The first few months are no indication of what your baby will be like at 4 or 5 months. Right now, you can put that kid in a carrier and go about your life with minimal disruption. At least I could and did - everything from vaccuuming to 5 star restaurants. Your newborn is really just a sponge at this moment, discovering toes and fingers, not yet the world around it.
In a few months, you will have a completely different child. One that reaches and grabs and is trying to crawl (away -- always away), that now recognizes what makes her hungry or angry or wet or uncomfortable and knows how to let you know that. One that has ever changing needs, ever changing biological clocks, and so, so much more.
At 5 months -- Day hikes -- great. A hotel room for a couple of nights -- great. A camino and albergues -- so "not great." Trust me.*
*Me being a single mother by choice who started traveling with their child when that child was 3 months old and thereafter traveled with said child to over 60 countries, including "hard" travel to places like India, Bhutan, Laos, Egypt, Tanzania, etc., by the time that child was legally an adult.