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colleen NY-CA

New Member
Hi Everyone:

I arrive in Paris on Tuesday, 9/11 and must admit I am NOT prepared for the Camino. This is my first journey and I'm feeling a mix between excited and simply NUTS. I just moved from CA to NY a week ago, still homeless, and trying to get ready for this journey. Friends have said, "Colleen, The Camino Will Provide, trust trust trust!" Yes, yes yes I agree, as my personal mantra is "Life will Provide", but that said there must be some preparation...ey? So, in the midst of feeling nuts and anxious, (oh and excited too), I happenstance upon this site...I am breathing much easier and feeling a sense of calmness...thank you all for your experience, strength and hope and answers to most of my questions! Yes, the Camino will Provide even b/4 you leave....

I still have questions and searching for answers...if I cannot find them I will be in touch again! My sincere thanks to those of you who keep this site active and alive with the Spirit of Life!!!

Colleen NY-CA
Get a spanish phone number with Airalo. eSim, so no physical SIM card. Easy to use app to add more funds if needed.
Hi Colleen,
Welcome to the Forum! You sound so excited about the whole pilgrimage thing, fantastic, but maybe that's your life at the moment! Just reading your post I was in a whirlwind, so let's calm down a bit.
Being 'nuts' is ok, maybe it's a pre-equisite for the pilgrimage!
You say you've just changed house/opposite sides of a Continent(?) and feel homeless. In these circumstances the Camino may just be the place to adjust, for 4/5 weeks, but let the Way take you calmly and peacefully - as you leave your bed each day you will be 'homeless', as you say you now are, (and food and shelter each day will become your priority - where will you find shelter and where will you eat? ) This is a major part of the pilgrimage, to be vulnerable, at risk, dependant and open to others. Your friends are right - the Pilgrimage will provide - trust them, trust me - I've been there.
Your post gives the impression of so much energy, I think, if I can be personal, allow yourself to take a bit more time over the pilgrimage if you are to get the best out of it.

Best wishes, and Buen Camino,

Colleen, in a couple more weeks I will be begining my journey. Trust is the thing I need most, and from speaking to friends who done the camino, they all tell me its the lesson you learn. Good luck, I may see you on the journey.
The focus is on reducing the risk of failure through being well prepared. 2nd ed.
HI Brendan:

I was away at a retreat for Tuesday and Wednesday and could not, for whatever reason respond, the wifi kept going down. Kept me from "doing" toooo much and resting instead. Yes, my life is a whirlwind in this moment...still moving out of a 9 month intensive. I have been in transition b/4 and know how crazy it can be, and exciting too! I've decided to stay two days in SJPdP so when I arrive on the 11th I want to give myself time to adjust to time zone and acclimate to the area for at least another day. Do you have a recommendation for a place to stay? A B&B was suggested to me months ago, but the contact # is wrong, the woman who runs it is Maria Camino, I think. So if you, or anyone else, have recommendations that would be great!

Also, I'm wondering do all businesses (accommodations and markets) accept debit/credit on the route. I just read about the stealing in Leon...sad to read.

Thanks again!
Colleen NY-CA
Hi Chris

Thank you for making a connection! Your support was felt. I do hope our paths will cross as I always enjoy making the connection and meeting people I've met on these types of forum. I too am petite, 4-11", dark hair--well actually salt & pepper, dark eyes, and approaching the 50 mark. I look Italian in spite of my Irish name!

I am allowing myself two months to do this journey so I"m not in a real hurry. My gaol is to start in SJPdP and end in Finisterre...but am keeping an open mind cuz sometimes Life has other plans. So, for today these are my plans and we'll see what happens!

I know this anticipatory angst is just part of the process and it will all work out...it always does. I was just telling someone a story of a car accident I had while in Ireland...it was actually a great experience because of the people coming together to help a stranger...the world is filled with more kindness than otherwise noted in our American news!

So.... blessings on your journey and until our paths cross...deep breaths! <smile>

Colleen NY-CA
Colleen, I have just turned 50 this year so its time to take time to reflect. I am from Australia and live in Nth Qld. My journey begins this Monday, as I am driving from Townsville to Melbourne, where my family live, its a 5 day drive. I will spend a few days there before flying to London. I am intending to begin walking on the 1st october. Like you I intend to take my time. I have a few months in needed and will probably take around 7 weeks. To be honest I am terrified and keep on imagining all the the things that can go wrong between now and then. At the moment I am packing up my house for 4 months and discovering that its time to have a major cleanup. I feel like I have already begun the journey. Good luck and look out for me I'm the 5 foot blond aussie whos terrified of going down hills.
The one from Galicia (the round) and the one from Castilla & Leon. Individually numbered and made by the same people that make the ones you see on your walk.
Dear Colleen, You're not prepared? What exactly do you mean? That you haven't broken in boots? Then don't go. That you haven't read plenty of background on the Camino? Then don't go. That you don't have your Credential? Then don't go.
The Camino never was a Sunday walk in the park. It certainly isn't now. If you're not prepared, wait until you are. Yes, it's great to do it at times of major life changes. But not without prepearation, prepearation, preperatin.

Hi Allaban:

Thanks for your feedback...yes, my boots are broken in. But I'm feeling lost in general...and still coming even though I'm not feeling prepared. I'm still making arrangements at the last minute, and this is also why I'm feeling unprepared. I was going to purchase a Eurail pass but I don't have enough time to have it mailed. But wondering...do you have any idea how to get from Finisterre back to Paris? I could not find a rail route and wondering about buses or taxi. Oh...one more question please...do most of the accommodation and markets accept debit/credit cards?

Thanks to you or anyone who can answer these for me!

Hi Colleen,
Plenty of acomodation in St.JpdeP. I think in general the refugios work on acash basis but you should be ok if you're staying in hotels. However there are plenty of cash macines along the Pilgrimage route. I think the sooner you get walking the better, and then SLOW DOWN and let the Camino take over.
Hope you have a great journey,
Buen Camino,
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
Hi Colleen,
Brendan again after a senior moment! So this is a ps. Forgot to say that the Dutch algergue/refugio in St.JPdeP is good, it's opposite the French 'Welcome Office' on Rue de la Citadel, you will see a couple of rucksacks outside (advertising the location). Also re credit/debit cards you should be ok in shops, markets, etc. Europe and Spain are in the 21st century! Plenty of cash points.
Regarding return from Finisterre, I think probably get back to Santiago, but relax, one of the two questions pilgrims asked me was: Are you walking to Finisterre? I think there will be plenty of info from pilgrims about getting home.
Buen camino, and all that goes with it,

I am not sure if this is too late to help but if you are in NYC, there are two great sporting goods stores not too far away in Jersey. They are right next to each other on rt. 17. One is called Campmour and the other is an Eastern Mountain Sports.

I walked the Camino with a friend this summer and we only met four Americans the entire month. I am really proud that an American will be beginning the journey on 9/11. Buen Camino.
Hi hobokenpilgrim:

Thanks much for you support and guidance. No I am not in NYC, I live in upstate NY. I will be at JFK on Monday, my flight (a red eye) arrives in Paris in the AM on 9/11. Interesting...I didn't realize the date of arrival until several weeks ago. I am trying my best to not engage in the latest Bin Laden video and hype as is displayed over and over and over again in our American news. I've been feeling disconnected from heart these past few months so I'm sure this journey will bring me back home--where the heart is <smile>. There are very few things I know for sure...and, for today, what I know for sure...I am to do this journey in spite of feeling unprepared and fearful. I do know it will be difficult (physically and emotionally) and at the same time rewarding. I do know the Camino and LIfe will provide a solution to any challenge put b/4 me, and like Brendan mentioned earlier, all I need to do is simply and sincerely be vulnerable, dependent and take my time...the path into my heart.

So I arrive in Paris on the 11th and if I arrive on time, and can find my way to the train I will take it to Bayonne. Once in Bayonne I shall spend the night and get a later train to St Jean the next day...will find another hotel, rest and begin around 9/13... If you have any recommendations for hotels in Bayonne that would be helpful, somewhere by the train station would be even better as I suspect I will be a tired and confused American...I am one of many regretful monolingual Americans...I only speak English...oh a journey this will be as I say again I'm soooo unprepared!

Again, my gratitude to you for making a connection!

€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hi Bredan and Kelly:

I just noticed my replies to you are not posted...I am very technologically challenged...it could be under another post or somewhere in I-net land.

Bredan, thanks again for your guidance, it is VERY much appreciated. No, I am not hotelling it...I just finished my graduate degree-midlife transition-and with that student lifestyle means student finances...very very very low! And, yes, I know Spain is in the 21st Century...in America you could be accused of being a "smart ass"...laughing (hope you are too). I prefer to use my debit/credit card but will ensure I have enough cash for accommodations and market. This is exactly the logistical information I was looking for!

Kelly, you go girl! In spite of our age and prepartion...we can do this...it's all in the journey, ey? Blessings to both of us!

Taking deep breaths...
HI Colleen,
Don't worry, Colleen. You will be the perfect pilgrim. No true perigrino has ever embarked on this journey without having all the doubts and trepidations you are experiencing: Waking in the middle of the night as the departure date approaches, thinking "Have I made the right decision?" "Am I up to it?" "Do I have all the right equipment?" "What will happen if ...?" Rest your mind. You have already started your pilgrimage when you think these things. And trust me, the Camino will provide ... not necessarily what you want, but what you need. Forget the small details. I recently walked the Via de la Plata route, 1007km from Savilla to Compostella, and I would love to tell you sometime of the hundreds of little miracles that I experienced along the way. I always felt that someone, or something, was watching over me, guiding me, protecting me. The Camino. You don't have to be religious to experience it, and I believe that everyone who walks the Camino feels it in an unique way. The Camino has called you. So slow down, and let the Camino turn the whirlwind of your life into a gentle breeze that will benefit you -- and all who will meet you. Say a prayer for me in Santiago. If I can be of any help, don't hesitate to contact me. Buen Camino

3rd Edition. More content, training & pack guides avoid common mistakes, bed bugs etc
Hi Colleen,
The Hotel Madrid in Bayonne is just beside the railway station. Th couple who own it speak English and have also walked the Camino.
I think everyone who walks the Camino has some degree of nerves before they start. But once they do, they wonder what they were making all the fuss about. The local people go out of their way to be helpful and your fellow pilgrims are as nice a bunch as you'd ever want to meet.
Buen Camino

Hi Colleen,
Just a few words to wish you well from one American girl to another. It's going to be a wonderful journey! I love how everyone keeps saying that the Camino will provide; I truly beleive it will.

Have a great trip...buen camino!

Arlene( from New Jersey)
HI Everyone:

I am leaving in the morning...my pack is heavy but lighter than a few days ago. I suspect by the time I get to St.Jean it will be even lighter!

I arrive in Paris on 9/11. Decided to stay in Bayonne my first night and then to St. Jean for another night...hope to begin the morning of 9/13...

Thank you ALL for your support in getting me a little more prepared! I'm still nervous and feeling incredibly scattered and excited. The words of those who have done this bring such a warmth to the heart...A wonderful forum this is!

Until our paths cross...blessings on Life's Journey!

Colleen NY-CA
€2,-/day will present your project to thousands of visitors each day. All interested in the Camino de Santiago.
Hi Everyone

I have been here a little over a week, started from St. Jean on 9-13. Today I am in Azofra. Only rain one day. Today rain all around the camino but not on the camino...good day.

Kelly, I just wanted to touch base with you re earlier comments...first, please do make a reservation at orrisson. it will be very helpful..it is a long journey otherwise. Without reservation you may not have bed available.

I have three blisters only from these past few days. Compeed does work, and I used moleskin for the first few days but stopped...now three blisters.

keep your pack light light light...i thought i did, but just posted more stuff back.

have good rain gear..by the time you arrive more rain than now. so far, several nights of rain and the days are muddy. i start early in the am, before bfast, to arrive at my destination around 1pm-ish. One day I had to walk 40 km b-c no rooms...Estella to Viana...please be sure you check your quide for areas where there are accommodations!

I am much slower than I anticipated. Only one day when I felt angry...most I am happy and grateful to be here even though I was unprepared. The scene are beautiful...have a camera.

Blessings on your journey!
Colleen NY-CA

All others...thank you much for your suggestions and support along the way!
Colleen it sounds like things are going well for you. I have arrived in the UK and been staying with some friends before leaving for France on Saturday. Intending to begin walking on Monday 1st Oct. Phoned Orisson about a bed and they suggested I phone the day before I leave, so hopefully I will be able to stay there. Don't fancy having to walk 40kms in a day,that sounds a little too far. Anyhow travel well. Thanks for your encouragement.


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