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Camino Le Puy


New Member
Time of past OR future Camino
April-May 2023 > April-May 2024
Have you walked the Le Puy to SJPP? I’m curious—how many days did it take you? Did you take any rest days along the way? After that, did you continue on the Camino Frances? If so, how many days did the entire journey of over 1600 kilometers take you, including rest days?

If you flew in from the USA, which city did you arrive in, and where did you fly home from?
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Hello, I walked 2017 from Konstanz to Porto. Via Jacobi, Via Gebenensis, Via Podiensies, one part GR10, then Camino del Norte to SdC and then Muxia, Fisterra and down to Porto. 3'000km four months and only one resting day at SdC. From Le Puy SJPP I did spend 34 days but this includes 3 days to Rocamadour and 5 days through the Vallée du le Célé. When I have short days with less than 20km it's like a resting day for me, but this depends on your fitness.
I have plans next year for the Le Puy as well. My plan was to fly into Paris then train or bus it to Le Puy. I think negotiating the accommodations will be a challenge as I don't speak French. And keeping my provisions full as i hear the stores are further apart and closed on consecutive days. I was planning on flying home from Madrid.
The 2024 Camino guides will be coming out little by little. Here is a collection of the ones that are out so far.
My wife and I took 35 days, including one rest day in Figeac (to see Rocamadur), to go from Le Puy tò SJPDP.

From US, we fly to Paris CDG, and got the TGV train directly from the airport to Lyon. From Lyon we took a local train to Le Puy. Only other realistic possibility would be to fly to Lyon (if you can get a flight to there from the US) and then continue by train to Le Puy.

On the way home, local train from SJPDP to Bayonne, thence by TGV train to Paris, thence home to US.

You could also possibly get a flight home from Biarritz airport.
As of today, I’m considering walking to Finisterre.

Thanks for the information!
My daughter (mid 20s) and I (mid 50s) walked Camino Le Puy in July. It took us 30 days, no rest days. We had some extra time in Le Puy and also in SJPDP. Both of us really really loved this route. The last kilometres before SJPDP were terrible. We walked with such heavy hearts because we knew it was about to end. Had it been possible we would have loved to continue even if we have walked the Camino Frances before. If you only can go ahead and walk all the way!
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