What is meant is to use the web browser made by Google that has the name
Chrome and use it visit the website Gronze.com. Chrome sees that the website is in Spanish and will either automatically translate the webpages or ask you if you want the original version in Spanish or the translated version.
Other browsers may also do translations but as far as I know Chrome is the only one that automatically does it. With the others you may have to perform the translation by using a pulldown menu.
To avoid confusion note that Chrome might translate names of towns or such into English.
For some websites and webpages the forum software will give you a descriptive box to click and other times it will give you hyperlinked text. It depends on how the visited website has set things up. Clicking on either below will bring you to Gronze's webpage for the Camino Inglés.
El Camino Inglés corresponde a la ruta de peregrinación utilizada en la Edad Media por devotos ingleses, irlandeses y de otros países del norte de Europa, que llegaban en barco al puerto de A Coruña y, en menor medida, a otros situados en las rías de Ferrol, Ares y Betanzos. Hoy, tras la...