Presently, seven months since my first Camino, and about three months before my second, I still find myself lulling myself to sleep each night, not counting sheep or some such thing. Oh no! I am mentally packing my rucksack for the forthcoming Camino.
I already have everything I need. So as I lay there waiting for sleep to come. I am recounting the weight and questioning the multiple utility of each item as I mentally determine how best to pack it (folded, compressed, stuffed), what sort of container the contents should go into (ziploc bag, nylon sack, mesh bag, etc.) where in or on the rucksack the particular item should ride to minimize having to completely unpack and repack each day.
Finally, I question myself again and again. What did I take last time that I did not use? What did I NOT take last time that I wished I had brought? What did I have to buy along the way that I needed and can better obtain here, before I leave?
Aside from packing and "stuff" issues, I rehash things like, when to have my eyes examined and new glasses obtained, when to schedule the dental checkup, physical examination and get updated prescriptions to bring with me, and a foot doctor appointment? The latter is something I neglected to do (overlooked). I will NOT make that mistake again. I WILL see the podiatrist well in advance of my next Camino instead of having to find a podiatrist at Burgos. It worked out well but was an inconvenience I did not need.
All this said, other people, who have not done a Camino usually fail to understand. Some long-distance through hikers can relate. But usually, you just learn to change the subject. I suppose the Camino, writ large, is sort of a "benevolent madness" to those of us who have done at least one and long to do another, or more. I have days when I wish I could just wander the many Camino routes all over Europe, permanently. But alas, reality, or sleep intrudes...