I tried to enter the start on My Camino May 3rd from SJPP but the instructions are too confusing. I gave up.
Hi, Odem,
I've found instructions written by falcon some time ago quite easy. Maybe you didn't come across those:
"How to use the new calendar:
1. Click on "Events" in the first tool bar at the top of the page.
2. Click on "Post New Event". Name your entry. I suggest something like "Falcon269 leaving SJPdP." Or just "Falcon269" or "Colorado Meeting", since you can input additional information further down the entry form.
3. Describe as you wish. It would be a good place to put ride pool requests, blog name, and your country of origin. An entry in "Venue" seems to be required, so perhaps your
camino name, or just repeat the starting point. For an event you can enter detailed location information.
4. Un-check the RSVP box unless your event is something like a club meeting and you want to collect RSVPs.
5. If you make the event a multi-day event, your entry will repeat throughout your pilgrimage, and probably will make the calendar unreadable as entries for twenty pilgrims per day are amassed for thirty three days, yielding as many as 660 entries on the 33rd day! Just your start date and finish date are probably all that is necessary.
6. Save the entry."
Best of luck and Ultreia!