Am I going to make a lot of enemies? Not my intention at all!
Two things would need to happen. First, a short download won't have the same network load as someone streaming YouTube, Netflix, whatever Twitter is this week, etc. But if other pilgrims complain, you will know that someone, not necessarily you, is chewing up the available bandwidth. Second, if they do that, and you say something like 'I might have caused that. I was downloading a couple of updates on WhatsApp for my friends.' night after night, those that remember might get a bit peevish. But in the main, this is hidden behaviour, and not even you might know whether you are using a lot or just a little of the available bandwidth.
You might consider setting up a group in WhatsApp, Facebook, or whatever social media platform you are using. Rather than sharing with others individually or over several smaller groups, you can then share with a larger group with one post. I do that in WhatsApp, but I also use this forum and some camino related Facebook groups, to keep family and friends informed about what I am doing.
I would also make sure that your family and friends know that there might be days, or even several days, where you don't keep in touch. Establish with them how long they might need to be patient before raising an alert about your safety, and who should do that if you have been out of touch longer than your agreed wait time. There are still going to be places on the camino where there will be no mobile service, and no WiFi where you are staying, and being in continual daily contact won't be practicable.