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Burgos Cathedral


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Can anybody tell me what the section of the retablo of the Chapel of the Birth Of the Virgin Mary (Capilla de la Natividad de la Virgen) represents, shown in the attached photo? Thanks.
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I cherish the memory of visiting Burgos and the magnificent gothic Cathedral when I walked the Camino from SJPP to SdeC in 2022.

The entire side chapel in the Burgos Cathedral is dedicated to the life of the Virgin Mary including scenes of the visit of Michael the Archangel (the Annunciation), Mary’s visit to her cousin, Elizabeth (the Visitation), the arrival of the Three Wise Men to honor the infant Jesus, and other significant events in the life of Mary.
The scene you photographed is the nativity of Mary herself. The Catholic Church dogma is that she herself was born without sin (the Immaculate Conception) and therefore the holy Mother of Jesus.
I believe that the two predominant figures in the tableau are Mary’s parents: Saint Joachim and Saint Anne. Cherub (plural cherubim) are present to demonstrate that the event was divine.
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Please allow me to piggyback on this thread; I have a Burgos cathedral question too. It's very broad; tell me about this large drawing on the wall, especially why it hasn't been painted in. It is near where you pick up the headsets.

Edit: And why is a foot being held?
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Thanks, Dreamweaver and J Walking. I'm sure that a lot of people think that the Immaculate Conception refers to the conception of Jesus. I have some difficulty figuring out how Joachim and Anne managed to do the deed without sin, but ours not to reason why etc.

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Oooh! I have a photo of that too! And no idea what it represents, unless it could be St Christopher (a guess), as I've seen paintings of St Christopher like that in other churches and cathedrals in what I think is the same area of the building, the south transept.. I came across my photo (taken in 2016) earlier today. I hope you are lucky with your piggy-back – I don't mind at all – but I think you'd have better luck with a separate post.
Thank you @SabsP. I didn't expect much but you produced much and in less than 5 minutes!

Edit: FYI, I wrote this close to Bert's post above and posted mine without seeing his.
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The foot is most likely the foot of the baby Jesus that Saint Christopher is often seen carrying on his shoulders.
That seems to be the case. The document that @SabsP directed me to mentioned that the top of the drawing (but it had been painted in) had been erased. A clearer detail there shows a headless Christ child.
I have understood it that Mary was born of immaculate conception to Anne and Joachim. So, she is super pure.
The wiki article goes into more depth:

I do tours where Anne is featured in wall paintings and altars, and the majority of people have never heard of her, yet there are altars all over Europe to her. When did she become forgotten, as well as Joachim.
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Can anybody tell me what the section of the retablo of the Chapel of the Birth Of the Virgin Mary (Capilla de la Natividad de la Virgen) represents, shown in the attached photo? Thanks.View attachment 179046
Don't know about the other figures in this painting, but the figure on the far left in a spiritual spasmodic fit, unable to come to grips with being and maintaining the appropriate spiritual state, represents how I have been most of my life. However and for some reason God still puts up with me and even cares for me (go figure) so I've been able to survive. Chuck PS No concern or sympathy needed for as soon as can find the spiritual equivalent of the 911 emergency line I will make the call. I know God has one but the Yellow Pages have absolutely of no benefit. Chuck
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I have some difficulty figuring out how Joachim and Anne managed to do the deed without sin, but ours not to reason why etc.
Immaculate Conception (of Mary Mother of God), according to catholic theology, means that she had escaped from the "original sin".
When married people conceive a child, they do not do a sin, at least according to my understanding of what a sin is.
Don't know about the other figures in this painting, but the figure on the far left in a spiritual spasmodic fit, unable to come to grips with being and maintaining the appropriate spiritual state, represents how I have been most of my life
The man carries a sheep. That's why his arms are in the position they are in. The gate is called "Sheep Gate". It is where sheep were brought to the Temple for sacrifice. The Sheep Gate is part of a traditional narrative of Joachim and Anne.

There is often meaning in additional figures, animals and other items in religious paintings.

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