- Time of past OR future Camino
- Exploring the mountain Saiatz trail/Camino Vasco
Those lucky pilgrims arriving to the albergue (wich is located in the Igartza monumental complex) on THOSE TWO DAYS will be able to enjoy some traditions that have been preserved for centuries
which are a testimony of the beliefs and way of life of the local inhabitants. The Basque Cultural Heritage Law has declared these cultural activities intangible heritage.
St John’s eve (San Joan bezpera)
St John’s eve, on June 23, is a magical day not only here but in every town. Very close to the albergue hospitalero in the Igartza monumental complex, the locals put up a poplar tree. Meanwhile, the young girls that just said goodbye to childhood dance "San Joango neskatxen esku dantza" traditional dance very near the albergue and later around the bonfire that is lit in the Plaza Barrendain.
Day of the Sword Dance
In Igartza, the second Saturday of September is the day of the Ezpata Dantza, or sword dance.
The dances on the bridge have a long history: in the olden days, the dignitaries who crossed the Goierri (Basque Highlands) were honoured with the sword dance. These days, a group of dancers take the flag from the town hall and head towards Igartza. The main dance is usually performed in the centre of the bridge and ends when the captain of the sword dancers is raised up on a tower made by the swords and waves the flags of Igartza and Beasain. At the end, both flags are hung on the main balcony of the palace, reflecting the end of the conflicts between the lords of Igartza and the town hall of Beasain.
which are a testimony of the beliefs and way of life of the local inhabitants. The Basque Cultural Heritage Law has declared these cultural activities intangible heritage.
St John’s eve (San Joan bezpera)
St John’s eve, on June 23, is a magical day not only here but in every town. Very close to the albergue hospitalero in the Igartza monumental complex, the locals put up a poplar tree. Meanwhile, the young girls that just said goodbye to childhood dance "San Joango neskatxen esku dantza" traditional dance very near the albergue and later around the bonfire that is lit in the Plaza Barrendain.
Day of the Sword Dance
In Igartza, the second Saturday of September is the day of the Ezpata Dantza, or sword dance.
The dances on the bridge have a long history: in the olden days, the dignitaries who crossed the Goierri (Basque Highlands) were honoured with the sword dance. These days, a group of dancers take the flag from the town hall and head towards Igartza. The main dance is usually performed in the centre of the bridge and ends when the captain of the sword dancers is raised up on a tower made by the swords and waves the flags of Igartza and Beasain. At the end, both flags are hung on the main balcony of the palace, reflecting the end of the conflicts between the lords of Igartza and the town hall of Beasain.
Local customs
Igartza da Beasaingo nortasun historikoaren monumentu erreferentzia. Herriko eraikinen bidez industri erroak antzeman daitezke burdinolan eta errotan, gizarte historia jauregian, bidegurutze-modura izan duen garrantzia Dolareko bentan eta zubian, erlijio-sinesmenak ermitan eta gurutzean. Eta...