The article:
says this, "With just over a fortnight to tackle this ancient path, (names of participants excised to save space) hike through France and northern Spain to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela and the shrine of St James."
This suggests that they are starting in SJPdP and going all the way to Santiago and I would like to suggest that's total crap. We all know this is probably little more than one of those cheap and nasty 'guided tours' where you bus for 6 hours and stroll for about 30 minutes before you stop for lunch and then bus a bit more to get to your hotel.
800 kms in 14 days = about 55 km/day. I call bullshit unless the BBC has replaced these media people with ultra-marathon runners.
I know that it's just TV making TV shows but would be nice if they were a bit more honest about it all.
Also, it may cause tens of thousands more 'pilgrims' walking at peak times when the Frances is already getting very crowded.