Sometimes the Heart...whispers demands are absolute, unbending, unyielding and and undying
your heart calls, and sometimes it is called..when both align... it is undeniable
By all means, go to your medical provider and tell them what is going to happen, and ask them how to make it happen.
I suffer from many spine issues, knee issues,other injuries.. yet the call is so clear, so sure, that i have to make this happen.
I cant tell you how to pack or how, but from what i do know, find very supportive footwear, and ask a podiatrist for recommendations, i use some heal cushion/support and find it helps me to stand longer and walk further
each body is unique in injury's, and you know your limits
the sacrifice your wanting to take is humbling in its scope, and worth
I hope you do make it, with heart and spirit filled to overflowing!
With the sage advice and heartfelt information from many of the members here, i will also try to make my Camino
step by step, ever reverent and cognizant of the toll..but to me it is worth the sacrifice.
My Buddy whom im trying to coerce.. ahh get to come with me, suggested biking, which would make the journey easier, but i feel i would miss the better parts, not to mention the uphill sections..
be brave, know your limits, then by all means listen to them!
you will make it, with love for yourself and body, you will begin, and soon enough you will walk into the final few steps!
My regimen is to warm up gently in the morning after trying for a good night's best as i can, comfortable sleep.
wear supportive shoes
lighten the load
stop when you need to, there is no shame in being passed, there is glory and love in your journey, its not a race, its a walk of life
if you need to stop, by all means! it means you can continue later
be gentle with yourself, one step at a time, always forward, will finish the journey